Ottawa Marriott Hotel

2017年10月16日 (月) 午前 7:00 - 2017年10月16日 (月) 午後 5:00

100 Kent Street , Ottawa, ON K1P5R7 , CANADA

Canadian Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies Conference


7:00 AM8:00 AM

Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM8:15 AM

Opening Remarks

8:15 AM8:30 AM

Welcome Remarks

10:00 AM10:30 AM

Refreshments and Networking Break

12:30 PM1:30 PM

Luncheon and Networking

3:00 PM3:30 PM

Refreshments and Networking Break

3:30 PM4:30 PM

Session 5: Privacy Round Table

5:30 PM6:30 PM

CHEO Event/Reception

