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Oct 16, 2024 10:00 AM - Oct 16, 2024 2:00 PM

Short Course: Integrated Evidence Generation Planning: A Robust Approach to Maximize the Impact of RWE for Healthcare Decision-makers

This is a Virtual Pre-Conference Short Course in conjunction with the Real-World Evidence Conference


It is critical for the success of any pharmaceutical product that the right evidence is generated at the right time across the product life cycle, to meet the needs of patients, HCPs, regulators, and HTAs/payers. With demands for robust and innovative real-world evidence generation from these stakeholders continuing to evolve, including the Inflation Reduction Act and the new EU jHTA regulation, healthcare systems across the globe are under increasing economic pressures.

Integrated evidence generation planning (IEGP) within the pharmaceutical industry brings together colleagues from cross-functional backgrounds and geographies, with the ultimate aim of enhancing the use of RWE across the product life cycle.

In this short course we will educate delegates with key learnings, case studies and guidance in best practice for delivering IEGP in the biopharmaceutical industry. The course will combine short presentations, Q&A sessions and interactive workshop exercises to deliver an engaging and informative course on this increasingly important initiative.

Registered attendees for this virtual Short Course will receive access to the course recording for 2 full months post-course! This allows you to remain flexible with your schedule and not worry if you need to step out momentarily. Have a conflict with the dates of the course, but are interested in the content? Register anyway and you will receive access to the recording! Note: You do not need to register for the full RWE Conference to attend this Virtual Short Course.

Learning objectives

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Recognize how integrated evidence generation planning (IEGP) can enhance the use of RWE across the product life cycle, for all healthcare decision-makers
  • Outline a typical set of RWE needs across the product life cycle for a range of healthcare decision-makers. Contribute to and influence IEGP initiatives, including leveraging IEGP initiatives for the development of innovative RWE study designs

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