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Cookies and the DIA Web Site

How the DIA website uses cookies

The website uses cookies to provide a personalized and fully functional experience.  Among other things, cookies support:

  1. Creating or logging in to your account
  2. Joining DIA or registering for events
  3. Making purchases
  4. Submitting or managing abstracts
  5. Providing personalized content based on your professional interests
  6. Preserving your preferences for language and region
  7. Taking other steps that requires authenticating your identity

If you disable cookies, most of the above functionality will not be available.

DIA respects the privacy of all of its customers.  For more information on the DIA privacy policy, click here.

Disabling Cookies in Major Browsers
Here are links to directions for disabling cookies in major browsers.
If these directions are not sufficient for disabling cookies, you can try searching the web for “disable cookies” plus your browser name and version number, or contact your IT department.


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