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Session 9: Path to the Future: Regulatory Panel Discussion
Session Chair(s)
Yves Juillet, DIAFellow, MD
Secretary General
Académie De Médecine, France
The purpose of this Regulatory Panel discussion at the close of the Conference is to gain and share insights on the practical meaning and implications of regulatory convergence and cooperation among regulators for the acceleration of patient access to medicines and the protection and promotion of the quality of medical products. After 3 days of sessions and discussions around the main theme of the Conference, this final session will aim to envision a path to a future of greater benefit for regional global patients – recognizing both the opportunities and the remaining challenges, and possible ways to address them. Based on the discussions during the first 3 days of the Conference, the Co-Chairs will identify 2-3 themes relevant to the Path to the Future and will solicit comments, from each panelist.
Cordula Landgraf, RPh
Swissmedic, Switzerland
Head of Networking
Murray M. Lumpkin, DrMed, MD, MSc
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, United States
Deputy Director, Integrated Development, Lead for Global Reg Systems Initiative
Toshiyoshi Tominaga, PhD
Keio University Hospital, Japan
Project Professor
John CW Lim, MD, MSc
Centre of Regulatory Excellence, Duke-NUS Medical School, Si, Singapore
Executive Director
Dato' Eisah A. Rahman
Ministry of Health Malaysia, Malaysia
Senior Director of Pharmaceutical Services
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