Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

Mar 03, 2016 7:30 AM - Mar 04, 2016 4:00 PM

5701 Marinelli Road, , North Bethesda, MD 20852 , USA

Marketing Pharmaceuticals 2016

Discuss the complexity of marketing and how to promote pharmaceuticals, biologics, and medical devices in an effective yet compliant manner in an evolving environment.


ACPEDIA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This program is designated for up to 13.5 contact hours or 1.35 continuing education units (CEU’s).

DIA Call to Action<ACPE Credit Requests MUST BE SUBMITTED by Monday April 18, 2016. DIA is required by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) to report pharmacy-requested CEUs through the CPE Monitor system. All ACPE-certified activity credit requests need to be submitted through DIA’s My Transcript within 45-days post activity. Pharmacists will need to provide their National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) e-Profile ID and date of birth (MMDD) to ensure the data is submitted to the ACPE and NABP properly. If you need to obtain your NABP e-Profile, please visit

IACETDIA has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

As an IACET Authorized Provider, DIA offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. DIA is authorized by IACET to offer up to 1.5 CEUs for this program. Participants must attend the entire program (and tutorial(s), if applicable) in order to be able to receive an IACET statement of credit. No partial credit will be awarded.

View Continuing Education Credit Allocation

DIA’s Certificate Program Statement

This program is part of DIA’s Certificate Program and is awarded the following:
  • Regulatory Affairs Certificate Program: 8 Elective Units
Learn More

To access My Transcript:
  • Visit, select “Sign in” and you will be prompted for your user ID and password
  • Choose MENU, found in the upper left corner
  • Under CONFERENCES select “Continuing Education"
  • Select the blue “My Transcript” button followed by “Credit Request” to process your credit request for the conference (and/or tutorial, if applicable).
NameCredit TypeMax CreditsCEU
Marketing Pharmaceuticals 2016Credit TypeACPEMax Credits10.50CEU1.050
Marketing Pharmaceuticals 2016Credit TypeIACETMax Credits12.00CEU1.200
Tutorial: OPDP/APLB 101: A Primer Based on Today’sCredit TypeACPEMax Credits3.25CEU0.325
Tutorial: OPDP/APLB 101: A Primer Based on Today’sCredit TypeIACETMax Credits3.25CEU0.300

Statement of Credit:

If you would like to receive a statement of credit, you must attend the conference (and tutorial, if applicable, sign in at the registration desk) complete the “Verification of Attendance” form located in your meeting folder, turn in your form to the registration desk at the conclusion of the conference, & complete the online credit request process through My Transcript. Participants will be able to download a statement of credit upon successful submission of the credit request. My Transcript will be available for credit requests on Friday, March 18, 2016. For detailed CE Information, please refer to the program PDF viewable on the website, or in your meeting folder.

The evaluation closes on Friday, March 25, 2016.

To view DIA’s Grievance Policy, visit

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