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Session 2 Track 3: EDMS in the 21st Century, Better, Broader, More Flexible
Session Chair(s)
Dimitri Stamatiadis, PhD, MBA
Maia Consulting, Switzerland
EDMS has been around for a long time and appeared to have reached a quiet maturity. But technology has once more surprised us, and in more than one way. In the past few years EDMS moved to the cloud, became metadata driven and adopted a flexible cost model. At the same time, new content came onboard with the addition of eTMF triggering additional functionality. But if regulatory documents are organized with CTD dossier submission in mind, how can other documentation be transferred to HAs? Are we getting ready to submit eTMFs? Finally, EDMS technologies have become accessible to smaller companies thanks to a flexible cost model and the development of standards such as the DIA reference models. Now, small companies have Pocket EDMS, a free, simple, standardised protocol for choosing the right vendor also developed within the DIA framework. Definitely EDMS is alive and kicking.
Learning Objective : Attendees, especially from smaller pharma companies, consultants and vendors will get direct benefit from learning about this free-to-use packaged EDMS implementation protocol developed as a DIA initiative "by the industry, for the industry"
Pocket EDMS a DIA initiative for Small and Medium Pharma and Biotech
Dimitri Stamatiadis, PhD, MBA
Maia Consulting, Switzerland
The Future of DMS Design and User Experience
Rick London
GlobalSubmit, United States
Product Manager
Bringing TMF and eCTD Together: Is Your TMF Submission Ready?
Patricia Santos-Serrao, RAC
MasterControl, United States
Director of Product Management, Pharmaceuticals and Biologics
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