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Session 7A: Consistently Delivering the Experience Desired by Your Customer
Session Chair(s)
Rania Gaspo, PhD
Director, Global Therapy Area Team Lead, External Medical Communications
Pfizer Inc, Canada
Pete Guillot, MBA
CEO and Founder
Centerfirst, United States
Delivering on your customer’s desired experience is a combination of knowing what your customers expect from interactions, developing communication in a format that meets those expectations, and continuously measuring and improving the communication itself. Three experts from within our industry will host a dialogue on how to consistently deliver the experience that is desired by your customer.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:- Develop a clear understanding on how to determine your customer’s desired experience
- Determine specific strategies and tactics for creating the experiences your customer wants
- Speak with patients in a style, format, and vocabulary that appeals directing to their interests and needs
- Identify what your pharmacist customers desire from interaction and exactly how to deliver on their expectations
Creating Memorable Customer Experiences
Dawn Kirspel
The Center For Client Retention, United States
Vice President
Universal Patient Language: Communicating Complex Topics to Patients
Elizabeth M. Chebli, PharmD
Bristol-Myers Squibb, United States
Associate Director, Medical Services Center
Elizabeth Turcotte, MBA
Bristol-Myers Squibb, United States
Director, Patient Hub
Where do Pharmacists Really Go for Information? Results from a PhactMI Survey
Jung Lee, PharmD
AstraZeneca, United States
Senior Director, Medical Information
Panel Discussion
All Session Speakers, United States
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