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Tokyo Big Sight

Nov 12, 2017 9:30 AM - Nov 14, 2017 5:30 PM

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

14th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2017

[V4-S1] Let’s Think about Drug/Device Combination Use for Treatment

Session Chair(s)

Kensuke  Ishii, PhD

Kensuke Ishii, PhD

Director, Office of Medical Devices I

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan

Drug-device combination products and therapies are currently the subject of much attention given the increasing difficulties in developing truly innovative new pharmaceuticals and medical devices. This session focuses on clinical development issues with regard to combination products or therapies by discussing a number of concrete examples. The session will include a discussion of how to manage the simultaneous development of devices and pharmaceuticals more efficiently and how various hurdles and issues during clinical development could be potentially addressed.


Yoshihiro  Muragaki, MD, PhD

Prospect and Issues of Drug-Device Combination Products and Therapies

Yoshihiro Muragaki, MD, PhD

Kobe University, Japan

Prof, Center for Advanced Medical Engineering Research & Development (CAMED)

Keiichi  Sasaki, DDS, PhD

Development of “Radical Disinfection Device” for Treatment of Periodontitis -From Academia to Industry-

Keiichi Sasaki, DDS, PhD

Tohoku University School of Dentistry, Japan

Director, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry / Dean,

Masayoshi  Shibatsuji, MPharm

PMDA’s Initiative for Introducing Innovative Medical Products

Masayoshi Shibatsuji, MPharm

National Cancer Center, Japan

Center for Research Administration and Support

Takehiko  Arima

Takehiko Arima

Medtronic Japan Co., Ltd., Japan

Senior Director, Quality & Regulatory Affairs

Kazumichi  Kobayashi, RPh

Kazumichi Kobayashi, RPh

Otsuka Medical Devices Co., Ltd., Japan

Executive Deputy President (Board Member)

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