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Tokyo Big Sight

Nov 12, 2017 9:30 AM - Nov 14, 2017 5:30 PM

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

14th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2017

[V1-S4] The Changing Environment in the World and the Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry

Session Chair(s)

Kihito  Takahashi

Kihito Takahashi

Head of R&D/Medical Affairs Hub Japan

Swedish Orphan Biovitrium (SOBI) Japan, Japan

There was a worldwide impact event such as Brexit in EU and presidential election in US last year. This session is made up of 2 parts, the first part is Brexit. We would like to discuss the influence of Brexit for pharmaceutical companies in the world. On the other hand,” the international Summit of Heads of Medicines Regulatory Agencies” and” meeting of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA)” will convene for the first time in Japan, at the Kyoto in October and the representatives from a variety of countries and industries will discuss innovative technological developments and their practical applications, both current status and future expectations. In this session, we would like to confirm the movement in the world and discuss about the impacts and prospect in Japan.


Peter  Bachmann

The Brexit and the Possible Implications for Marketing Authorisation Holders

Peter Bachmann

Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Germany

Deputy-Head, European Union and International Affairs

Kazuhiko  Mori, PhD, MSc

The Changing Environment in the World and the Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry

Kazuhiko Mori, PhD, MSc

Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA), Japan

Senior Managing Director

Alberto  Grignolo, PhD

Alberto Grignolo, PhD

DIA Global Forum, United States


Takuko  Sawada

Takuko Sawada

Shionogi & Co., Ltd., Japan

Director and Vice Chairperson of the Board

Tadaaki  Taniguchi, MD, PhD

Tadaaki Taniguchi, MD, PhD

AstraZeneca K.K., Japan

Executive Director and Strategic Officer, China Development, Emerging Market R&D

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