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Tokyo Big Sight

Nov 12, 2017 9:30 AM - Nov 14, 2017 5:30 PM

3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan

14th DIA Japan Annual Meeting 2017

[V6-S5] CRO Management for Effective Collaboration

Session Chair(s)

Nobuhiro  Koga, MBA, PMP

Nobuhiro Koga, MBA, PMP

Director, ICTR-Japan

Nihon Servier Co., Ltd., Japan

Strategic pharma-CRO collaboration aiming for quality assurance and efficiency of clinical trials has been expanded. Such collaboration is taking various forms: the number of outsourced services varies from particular service to multiple/full services; and many international pharma companies work with CROs covering different countries under single global contracts. Although sponsors do oversee as their responsibility defined clearly in the current ICH-E6R2, they do it in a wide variety of ways. In this session, we will discuss point for considerations in CRO management for more effective collaboration, including the topics of how to develop effective CRO outsourcing plans, and effective CRO managements from each perspective of pharma, medical institutions and CRO.


Toshiharu  Sano, RPh

Local Outsourcing Strategy Planning at a Global Pharmaceutical Company

Toshiharu Sano, RPh

Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Japan

Vice-Chairperson, Drug Evaluation Committee

Yusuke  Yoshimoto

Effective Collaboration among Japanese Affiliates of Pharmaceutical Company and CRO under Global Contract Situation

Yusuke Yoshimoto

Eli Lilly Japan K.K., Japan

Senior Manager, Clinical Development Operations & Innovations,

Yuto  Fujiki, RPh

Cooperation with CRO from the Viewpoint of the Institutions Based on the Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials

Yuto Fujiki, RPh

Keio University Hospital, Clinical and Translational Reserch Center,, Japan

Research Associate, Planning and Management Office

Masakazu  Kobayashi, RPh

CRO Management under a Strategic Partnership from a CRO Perspective

Masakazu Kobayashi, RPh

CMIC Co., Ltd. , Japan

Head of Department, Clinical Research Dept.

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