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Session 9 Track 3: How to Utilize Systems and Technology as Document Enablers
Session Chair(s)
Jamie Toth, MS
Global Head, TMF Management & Records
Beigene, United States
This session will focus on utilizing technology within the EDMS space and the importance of applying business process, utilizing system vendors as partners, and having technology be a differentiator and improve interoperability.
Learning Objective :
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:

Successful Business Process Driven EDMS Implementation in Less Than Nine Months
Cheryl Ann Ressland
Daiichi Sankyo, United States
Executive Director, Regulatory Operations
Dalia El-Sherif, DrSc, PhD
Pyxa Solutions, United States
Structured Content Management: Auto-Population and Auto-Generation of Documents at Roche
Hans van Bruggen, MSc
Celegence, United States
Director of Regulatory Affairs
eTMF Interoperability: The Move Towards Content Portability
Christina Mantzioros , MS
Montrium, Inc., Canada
Clinical Solutions Specialist
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