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Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

Feb 05, 2018 8:30 AM - Feb 05, 2018 12:00 PM

5701 Marinelli Road, , North Bethesda, MD 20852 , USA

Course 1: Global Identification of Medicinal Products: Applied Principles and Practical Benefits from Compliance and Beyond


Vada A. Perkins, DrSc, MSc

Vada A. Perkins, DrSc, MSc

Vice President, Global Head of Regulatory Intelligence & Policy, Boehringer Ingelheim, United States

Vada A. Perkins is Vice President. Global Head of Regulatory Policy & Intelligence for Boehringer Ingelheim. He is a former FDA Senior Advisor for Regulatory Science with international regulatory policy and strategy expertise in promoting convergence for the assessment of medicinal products worldwide. He received his degrees from Johns Hopkins University, University of Southern California, and the University of Maryland.

Michiel  Stam

Michiel Stam

Management Consultant, MAIN5 Gmbh & Co. Kgaa, Germany

Michiel has 15 years of experience in Regulatory Affairs and Information Management. He provides strategic direction and subject matter expertise for implementation of Regulatory Information Management (RIM) solutions. His focus goes beyond compliance, Michiel specializes in unlocking the true value of an organization’s data – whilst taking advantage of initiatives such as XEVMPD, IDMP and SPOR. Through the alignment of people, cross-functional processes, and tools, he has enabled efficient and sustainable data quality for a wide range of customers.

Frits  Stulp, MSc

Frits Stulp, MSc

Managing Director, Iperion Life Sciences Consultancy, Netherlands

Frits Stulp is Managing Director of Iperion a Deloitte business, with over 20 years of industry and consultancy experience. In this role he leads a team of regulatory / IDMP experts active in various projects to deliver value to both pharmaceutical companies as well as regulators. Frits is the IDMP topic group lead for the IRISS Forum and heavily involved in the EU-SRS project for the Medicines Evaluation Board / European Medicines Agency as part of SPOR landscape. Frits is also Chariman of the Board of CTADHL, involved in Transatlantic adoption of IDMP ( Regarded as an SME on IDMP, he gladly shares his gained knowledge and experience in various occasions around the globe.

Andrew  Marr, PhD

Andrew Marr, PhD

Managing Director, Marr Consultancy Ltd, United Kingdom

Managing Director, Marr Consultancy Ltd. Recognised expert in IDMP through work in ISO, EU IDMP Task Force, Conference Speaker and numberous engagements with top 25 pharma (and other pharma clients), software houses and service providers in the e-Regulatory space.

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