Congress Center Basel

Apr 17, 2018 2:00 PM - Apr 19, 2018 11:00 PM

Messeplatz 21 , CH-4021 Basel , SWITZERLAND


Leader of Tomorrow: Creating Relevant Opportunities

Session Chair(s)

Alexander  Khatuntsev, MS

Alexander Khatuntsev, MS

SVP, Head of Human Resources

IDORSIA, Switzerland

Martina  Laus

Martina Laus

Group Quality External Engagement

Novartis International AG, Switzerland

In this session you will have an opportunity to address your questions related to identifying the most suitable to your values and interests career path in the life science industry. You will learn how to identify and develop your skillset enabling your success, get practical recommendations from the industry professionals on effectively navigating through recruitment process, and find out more about the differences between working for a “big pharma” or a “small biotech”. This tutorial, we believe, will raise your awareness about possible career choices, future opportunities, and about various ways for continuous personal and professional growth.

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