Congress Center Basel

Apr 17, 2018 2:00 PM - Apr 19, 2018 11:00 PM

Messeplatz 21 , CH-4021 Basel , SWITZERLAND


WHO/Swissmedic Signature Session - Towards Access 2030: How Can Strengthening of Regulatory Systems Contribute?

Session Chair(s)

Petra  Doerr, PharmD, RPh

Petra Doerr, PharmD, RPh


European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM), France

Murray M. Lumpkin, DrMed, MD, MSc

Murray M. Lumpkin, DrMed, MD, MSc

Deputy Director, Integrated Development, Lead for Global Reg Systems Initiative

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, United States

Various initiatives and programs are under way to improve access to quality medicines in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). An important component of achieving this goal is to strengthen the regulatory systems of those countries. Many stakeholders (and many resources) are involved and engaged. However, what does Regulatory Systems Strengthening (RSS) actually mean in the context of Access 2030 in LMICs and do all these efforts show tangible results? What are the outcomes we are trying to achieve through RSS and how can we improve these outcomes?


Emer  Cooke, MBA, MSc

Towards access 2030: An Overview of WHO Efforts in Regulatory Systems Strengthening

Emer Cooke, MBA, MSc

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Chair, ICMRA; Executive Director

Delese Mimi  Darko, MBA, RPh, RAC

What Can Regulators in LMIC Do to Better Utilize the Scarce Resources in Order to Improve the Access to Priority Medicines?

Delese Mimi Darko, MBA, RPh, RAC

Food and Drugs Authority, Ghana

Chief Executive Officer

Thomas B. Cueni, MBA

Panel Discussion

Thomas B. Cueni, MBA

IFPMA, Switzerland

Director General

Petra  Doerr, PharmD, RPh

Panel Discussion

Petra Doerr, PharmD, RPh

European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM), France


Guido  Rasi, MD

Panel Discussion

Guido Rasi, MD

Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy

Chairman,Clinical Trial Center of Gemelli Polyclinic Inst; Prof of Microbiology

Nicola  Bedlington

Panel Discussion

Nicola Bedlington

European Patient's Forum, Belgium

Special Advisor

Alex  Schulze

Panel Discussion

Alex Schulze

Swiss Agency For Development Cooperation, Switzerland

Co-Head Division Global Programme Health

Hiiti  Sillo, MSc, RPh

Panel Discussion

Hiiti Sillo, MSc, RPh

World Health Organization (WHO), Switzerland

Unit Head, Regulation and Safety, Department of Regulation and Prequalification

Nathalie  Strub Wourgaft

Panel Discussion

Nathalie Strub Wourgaft

Drugs For Neglected Diseases Initiative (dndi), Switzerland

Medical Director

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