Congress Center Basel

Apr 17, 2018 2:00 PM - Apr 19, 2018 11:00 PM

Messeplatz 21 , CH-4021 Basel , SWITZERLAND


Has the Time for Big/Real World Data Finally Arrived?

Session Chair(s)

Shahid  Hanif, PhD, MSc

Shahid Hanif, PhD, MSc

Managing Director

GetReal Institute, Netherlands

This session will focus on questions surrounding big- or real world data: What outcomes are necessary to demonstrate value? Which big data is necessary to support regulatory decision and reimbursement? Are these data accessible?

Learning Objective : • Identify a major public-private partnership initiative that supports the transformation of health care systems to be outcomes-focused and sustainable • Describe how the programme will seek to drive better outcomes through the sophistication of methods and technologies available to process and use big data • Discuss the application of big data in addressing significant health care challenges


Andrew  Roddam, PhD

Using Big Data in Regulatory and Health Care Decision Making – Where Are We Now, and What about the Future?

Andrew Roddam, PhD

GSK, United Kingdom

VP & Head Real World Evidence, Epidemiology & Digital Platforms

Shahid  Hanif, PhD, MSc

IMI Big Data for Better Outcomes: supporting the evolution towards outcomes-focused, sustainable healthcare systems in Europe

Shahid Hanif, PhD, MSc

GetReal Institute, Netherlands

Managing Director

Louise Helen Parmenter, PhD, MSc

Clinical Research: The application of geographically relevant data for operational predictability and scientific validity

Louise Helen Parmenter, PhD, MSc

IQVIA, United Kingdom

VP, Global Head, Scientific Services

David  Martin, MD, MPH

Panel Discussion

David Martin, MD, MPH

Novartis, United States

Vice President, Head, PCO Center of Excellence

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