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Session 3 Track 1: The Future Of Medical Affairs: The Voice of the Visionary
Session Chair(s)
Anne Arvizu, PharmD
Chief Executive Officer and Medical Affairs Advisor
RxER Communications Corp, United States
Isabelle C. Widmer, DrMed
CEO elytra GmbH, Consultant
elytra GmbH, Switzerland
There are various ideas, assets, and resources to our industry. This panel interview represents a new concept at MASC. Senior executive industry leaders, founders, and way-makers are being brought together to discuss their vision, why they founded their organizations, answer questions, and demonstrate how they continually move forward. We’ll focus our emphasis on niche markets, organizational design, and necessary business acumen in an ever-changing industry environment, to add as much value as possible. For the manager to director level MI observer, awareness of resources can be unclear. Participants will walk away with invaluable insight to think about what’s coming in the future of our industry, and to be able to apply takeaways for any sized company small, mid-sized, and large Pharma/Biotech.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:- Identify the differences of major organizations and the value they provide and their niche
- Discuss the vision behind each and how to apply what is needed when they need it to small, mid-sized, and large Pharma/Biotech
Dominick L. Albano
Pfizer, Inc., United States

Patrick Reilly, MS, MSc
Phactmi, United States

William A. Soliman, PhD
ACMA, United States
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