Loews Sapphire Falls Resort

Mar 18, 2019 11:00 AM - Mar 20, 2019 1:30 PM

6601 Adventure Way,, Orlando, FL 32819

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

3 Meetings, 1 Location: Medical Communications, Medical Science Liaisons, Medical Writing

Session 8 Track 1: Traversing Murky Waters

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Describe the complexities and successes delivering patient-centric information through traditional and non-traditional MI channels
  • Explain the basics of GDPR and implications on current business practices
  • Discuss the current challenges of compendia interactions


Michelle  Quinlan, PharmD

Medical Information: A Patient-Centric Approach

Michelle Quinlan, PharmD

Pfizer, Inc., United States

Associate Director, Medical Information

Isabelle C. Widmer, DrMed

Introducing GDPR – Background, Impact, and Implications for Medical Information Teams

Isabelle C. Widmer, DrMed

elytra GmbH, Switzerland

CEO elytra GmbH, Consultant

Jully  Kim, PharmD

Compendia Engagements - How do We Demonstrate Value?

Jully Kim, PharmD

Celgene Corporation, United States

Director, Global Medical Information

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