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Exhibitor Resources

for Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications 2019

Exhibit Hall Schedule

Monday, March 18 
8:00AM – 1:45PM – Move-In/Set-Up
2:00 - 6:45PM – Exhibits Hall Open
5:35-6:45PM Outdoor Reception – weather permitting
6:45PM – Exhibit Hall closed for the evening

Tuesday, March 19 
7:00AM – 6:00PM – Exhibits Hall Open
4:30-6:00PM Resident and Fellow Poster Reception in Exhibit Hall
6:00PM – Exhibit Hall closed for the evening

Wednesday, March 20
7:00AM –1:30PM – Exhibits Hall Open
1:35PM - Exhibit Hall closes 

Exhibits breakdown begins once all attendees have exited the room
Exhibitors are not permitted to dismantle their booths prior to the Exhibit Hall closing at 1:35PM Wednesday March 20th.

Policies and Procedures for Exhibitors

Please thoroughly review the DIA Terms and Conditions for MASC Forum 2019 to ensure you and your team members are familiar with all DIA rules and regulations for exhibiting, marketing and promotions. DIA also follows the IAEE Guidelines for Display Rules & Regulations.

Exhibitor Service Manual

Please reference this Online Service Manual for all information pertaining to shipping, electrical & internet services, furniture rental and all other general booth display needs. This manual is provided by Freeman, our show service contractor. Login is required for online ordering of Freeman services.


All materials must be shipped to the Freeman Warehouse. Please do NOT send any materials to show site, the hotel cannot handle large freight deliveries. Freeman will accept crated, boxed or skidded materials beginning Friday February 15, 2019. Material arriving after March 11, 2019 will be received at the warehouse with an additional after deadline charge. Warehouse materials are accepted at the warehouse Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. If required, provide your carrier with this phone number: (407) 816-7900. Please reference the “Freeman Quick Facts” page within the Exhibitor Services Manual for more information, such as the warehouse address and hours of operation. There are pre-made shipping labels within the Services Manual as well.

Wireless Internet Access

The exhibit hall does have Wi-Fi service available. However, if you need a dedicated, uninterrupted internet line at your exhibit booth, it must be ordered through the hotel’s in-house provider. The order form can be found here. *Free WiFi is available in all meeting rooms and guest rooms (for those who booked within the DIA Housing Block).

AV Services

If you need to rent any equipment/AV needs, it can be ordered through the hotel’s in house provider. The order form can be found here.


The exhibit booth package does not include electrical; this service must be ordered through the hotel’s in-house provider. The order form can be found here.

Catering Services

Any food giveaways at booths (other than small bite-size candies) need to be ordered through the Loews Sapphire Falls Catering Team. If you have a specific item you would like to bring, please contact Christine Silva at or 407-503-5042 regarding ordering and/or approval. Catering information can be found here if you’re also looking to do a larger event.


The exhibit hall is already carpeted. Companies are welcome to bring/rent additional flooring if preferred, but it is not required.

Lead Retrieval

Lead retrieval service will be available through the DIA Global App. If you would like to order lead retrieval please complete the Lead Retrieval Registration Form and return it to

Get the Word Out About Your Attendance at the Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

Increase your tabletop traffic and raise your company’s awareness in the media and the industry. The earlier you start, the more successful you’ll be at driving your target audience to your tabletop.  We’d like to make you aware of a few things to help you make the most of your participation:

1. Feel free to promote your participation at this meeting on your website, newsletters, events pages, and email signatures. To help you do this, we’ve created the branded meeting badge 300x100 or meeting badge 1200x628.

MASC 2019
To use, just place the banner on your website, email signatures, events page, etc. and make sure to link to

2. We’ve set up the hashtag #MASC19, so feel free to also promote your participation, and network with others attendees, on Social Media.

Sample Tweet 1: Visit our booth #XXX at #MASC19 March 18-20!

Sample Tweet 2: We’ll be at #MASC19 March 18-20. Stop by our booth #XXX to forge new partnerships!

3. DIA Global App: We will be utilizing the DIA Global App at this meeting. This is the same app as last year, but if you do not have it, Download the DIA Global App to view the agenda and speakers, network with attendees and other exhibitors, and get updates throughout the conference. Available for all Apple and Android products – just search “DIA Global” in your app store.

A list of current attendees is part of the Global App. This is provided for informational purposes only and is not to be used for purposes of solicitation. 

Badge scanning lead retrieval will be offered through the App this year, see the application above if your company would like to participate. 

4. If you are looking to host an ancillary event at the MASC Forum, on or offsite, please fill out the Events Application Form and send back for approval. Exhibitor hospitality events cannot be held during any DIA meeting sessions or social events.

Exhibitor Directory Listing and Staff Registrations

Part of the materials provided to all meeting participants will be an exhibitor directory including a brief company summary. Please login to the online Manage My Exhibits portal on the DIA website and complete the Directory Listing by Friday, February 15.

You may also register the personnel included with your tabletop through Manage My Exhibits if they have not already been registered.

Booth Personnel Registrations

Each company is allotted per 8’x10’ booth 

• One (1) Complimentary Full-Meeting Pass: access to Continuing Education Credits and Session Presentations through their My DIA Account  

• DIA does not sell exhibit hall only passes. 

Once a company uses their allotment of passes, anyone additional must register as a full-meeting Attendee (incurring the standard associated fees).For the MASC19 meeting, DIA is honoring the Early Bird rate for Exhibitors, regardless of when the exhibitor registered for the meeting.  In order to take advantage of this, please send your registration form(s) to Jessica Culp and the adjustment will be made to the order.

• Visit the Manage My Exhibits page
• Login with your User ID and Password
o Please Note: Only the User ID of the person listed as the primary' or secondary contact for this meeting has access to Manage My Exhibits for this DIA conference.
o If you have forgotten your DIA User ID and Password, or this is your first time logging into the DIA website, please use our Login Reminder
• Select the appropriate exhibit/company from the table (if more than one)
• Add the staff members you need to register (either full meeting or exhibit booth personnel) system will keep track of how many of each type you have available based on your booth size and additional marketing products ordered.
• You may make changes at any time by logging in and switching and/or removing registrations 

Meeting Program / Agenda

All information regarding the meeting overview and schedule can be found at

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