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Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

Apr 08, 2019 1:00 PM - Apr 10, 2019 4:00 PM

5701 Marinelli Road, , North Bethesda, MD 20852 , USA

DIA/FDA Biostatistics Industry and Regulator Forum

Session 10: Opportunities for Statistical Leadership and Innovations in Rare Disease Therapies

Session Chair(s)

Rima  Izem, PhD

Rima Izem, PhD

Associate Director Statistical Methodology

Novartis, Switzerland

Laura Lee  Johnson, PhD

Laura Lee Johnson, PhD

Director, Division of Biometrics III, Office of Biostatistics, OTS, CDER

FDA, United States

Karen Lynn Price, PhD

Karen Lynn Price, PhD

Senior Research Fellow, Statistical Innovation Center/Design Hub

Eli Lilly and Company, United States

This session will provide an overview of challenges and opportunities for statisticians in the design and analysis of studies evaluating rare disease therapies.

Recent years have seen an increase in rare disease designations and therapies development for patients with rare diseases. There also is increased urgency to consider innovative methods to improve the development of treatments in this overwhelmingly unmet area. In his remarks in February 2018, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced several initiatives to support research and development of therapies for rare diseases. “FDA is committed to do what we can to stimulate the development of more products by improving the consistency and efficiency of our reviews, streamlining our processes, and supporting rare diseases research.”

Statisticians have an opportunity and obligation to lead efforts cross-functionally and across various stakeholders toward improved and innovative designs and analysis methods to speed rare disease therapies to patients. Rare diseases present unique challenges and opportunities for statistical innovation. Some of these were recently discussed at the FDA-funded Duke-Margolis public workshop in March 2018. These include adapting innovations from other therapies to the rare disease setting such as using master protocols, using SMART trials, or borrowing data from non-randomized studies. They also include leveraging rich longitudinal information from disease registries and natural history studies to improve study design planning, recruitment, endpoint selection, and follow-up.


Kelley  Kidwell

SMART Design for Rare Disease Clinical Trial Research

Kelley Kidwell

University of Michigan, School of Public Health, United States

Associate Professor of Biostatistics

Karen Lynn Price, PhD


Karen Lynn Price, PhD

Eli Lilly and Company, United States

Senior Research Fellow, Statistical Innovation Center/Design Hub

Marshall Lynn Summar, MD


Marshall Lynn Summar, MD

Children's National Medical Center, United States

Division Chief, Genetics and Metabolism; Director, Rare Disease Institute

Lucas  Kempf, MD

Statistical Challenges in Trial Design in Rare Diseases: It is more than just a numbers game

Lucas Kempf, MD

Parexel, United States

Vice President, RCS

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