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Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

Apr 23, 2019 7:00 AM - Apr 25, 2019 5:00 PM

5701 Marinelli Road, , North Bethesda, MD 20852 , USA

CMC Workshop

Explore how to utilize effective CMC strategies and execution and how it can help to reduce regulatory burden, enable shorter review timelines, and support post-approval maintenance.

Session 1: Emerging Technologies in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Session Chair(s)

M. Scott  Furness, PhD

M. Scott Furness, PhD

Deputy Director, Office of New Drug Products, OPQ, CDER

FDA, United States

FDA recognizes that adopting innovative approaches to manufacturing may present both technical and regulatory challenges. Pharmaceutical companies may have concerns that using such technologies could result in delays while FDA reviewers familiarize themselves with the new technologies and determine how they may be evaluated within the existing regulatory framework. To address these concerns, CDER’s Office of Pharmaceutical Quality created the Emerging Technology Program to promote the adoption of innovative approaches to pharmaceutical product design and manufacturing. Through the program, industry representatives can meet with Emerging Technology Team (ETT) members to discuss, identify, and resolve potential technical and regulatory issues regarding the development and implementation of a novel technology prior to filing a regulatory submission. This session will describe updates and recent challenges associated with the Program.


Christine  Moore, PhD


Christine Moore, PhD

Organon & Co., United States

Executive Director, Global External Advocacy and Standards

Sharmista  Chatterjee, PhD

Emerging Technology Program: A Key Enabler for Successful Adoption of Novel Pharmaceutical Technologies

Sharmista Chatterjee, PhD

Office of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assessment (OPMA), OPQ/CDER, FDA, United States

Division Director in Division of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing II,

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