Hotel Bildungszentrum 21

Oct 29, 2019 8:30 AM - Oct 30, 2019 5:30 PM

Missionsstrasse 21, 4003 Basel, Switzerland

1st Joint DIA-EUCOPE Workshop on ATMPs, Innovative Gene and Cell Therapies in the EU

Session 5: The Pricing and Reimbursement Perspective


Alexander  Natz, JD

Status quo of ATMP Launches in Europe

Alexander Natz, JD

European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs, Belgium

Secretary General

Helen  Knight

ATMPs from the HTA Viewpoint – Learnings until now

Helen Knight

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), United Kingdom

Programme Director

Michela  Gabaldo, PharmD, MSc

Payer Considerations

Michela Gabaldo, PharmD, MSc

Evotec, Italy

VP ATMP Global Regulatory Affairs

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