Marriott Wardman Park Hotel

Jan 27, 2020 7:00 AM - Jan 29, 2020 4:15 PM

2660 Woodley Road, NW, , Washington, DC 20008 , USA

Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies Conference

Session 11: A Global Perspective of Risk Management

Session Chair(s)

Lesley  Wise, PhD, MSc

Lesley Wise, PhD, MSc

Managing Director

Wise Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management, Ltd, United Kingdom

Jill K. Logan, PharmD

Jill K. Logan, PharmD

Safety Evaluator, DPV I, OSE, CDER

FDA, United States

Balancing the benefits and risks of a drug can be challenging particularly when additional measures beyond product labeling are needed to communicate a risk or influence health care provider and patient behavior. This session seeks to highlight the similarities and differences in risk management strategies for drugs approved by multiple regulatory agencies, as well as differences in program implementation and assessment. An example will illustrate this global risk management strategy.

Learning Objective :

At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the differences between risk management strategies approved by various regulatory agencies
  • Identify areas in which compliance differs between REMS and risk management plans
  • Discuss risk management strategies that have achieved successful implementation in a complex global setting


Michael  Richardson, MD, FFPM, FRCP

Defining and Maintaining Global Company Risk Management Process

Michael Richardson, MD, FFPM, FRCP

Bristol-Myers Squibb, United Kingdom

Senior Vice President, WorldWide Patient Safety

Paul  Sheehan, MS

Practical Example of a Global Risk Management System

Paul Sheehan, MS

Celgene Corporation, United States

Vice President, Global Risk Management

Haley  Seymour, MS

REMS Compliance Program

Haley Seymour, MS

FDA, United States

Consumer Safety Officer, OSI, OC, CDER

Kiernan  Trevett, MSc

Global Risk Management

Kiernan Trevett, MSc

Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group, United States

Quality Policy Lead

Claudia  Manzo, PharmD

A Global Perspective of Risk Management

Claudia Manzo, PharmD

Abbvie, United States

Head of the Office of Risk Management, Pharmacovigilance and Patient Safety

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