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Recommendations for a Strategic Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Session Chair(s)
Mark B. McClellan, MD, PhD
Director and Robert J. Margolis M.D. Professor of Business, Medicine and Policy
Duke-Margolis Center For Health Policy, United States
This session will focus on an overview of strategies and recommendations – by the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, faculty and researchers, and leaders from across the health care and health policy landscape – for collectively addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. Primary areas of focus include the development, scale, and distribution of diagnostics, therapeutics, track and tracing strategies, and vaccines. During this interactive discussion, Dr. McClellan will highlight national initiatives, discuss a road map for reopening and preliminary indicators of impact, and describe short-term efforts over the next six months as well as health and health care changes in the long-term.
Learning Objective : Describe the roles of vaccines, diagnostics, track and trace practices, and therapeutics in a comprehensive approach to reducing the health and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; Discuss reduction of the COVID-19 disease burden by strategic alignment of regulatory approval and access pathways, increased effectiveness and capacity of clinical trials, management of access to avoid shortages, and real-world data collection to develop evidence on outcomes.
Sissi Pham, PharmD
AESARA, United States
Chief Executive Officer
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