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Virtual Event

Oct 21, 2020 10:25 AM - Oct 22, 2020 4:15 PM

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Fort Washington, PA 19034

Canadian Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Conference

Welcome, Opening Remarks and Session 1: Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management during the Pandemic: Perspective from the Regulators

Session Chair(s)

Marc  Poitras, PhD, MBA

Marc Poitras, PhD, MBA

Scientific Manager, Marketed Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau

Health Canada, Canada

The global pandemic has forced public health and regulatory authorities worldwide to adapt rapidly to deal with the evolving situation. In this session, representatives from regulatory agencies (EMA, FDA and Health Canada) will discuss how they have revised their pharmacovigilance and risk management practices while ensuring the safe use of therapeutic health products.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Gain a Global Understanding of the Regional Changes Made to Current PV/RM Practices in Order to Deal with the Pandemic


Georgy  Genov, MD


Georgy Genov, MD

European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Head of PHV Office, ad-interim Head of Quality & Safety of Medicines Department

Gerald  Dal Pan, MD, MHS


Gerald Dal Pan, MD, MHS

FDA, United States

Director, Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology, CDER

Kelly  Robinson, MSc


Kelly Robinson, MSc

Health Canada, Canada

Director General, Marketed Health Products Directorate

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