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Session 1: Keynote Address: Coordinated Governmental Approach: Taking Action on Covid Pandemic
Session Chair(s)
Fiona M Frappier, PhD
Senior Policy Analyst
Health Canada, Canada
Kristin Willemsen, MS
Vice President, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs
Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada, Canada
This year, the global COVID-19 pandemic rapidly mobilized government and industry to collaborate and innovate, unlike never before, to achieve our joint objectives contributing to the health and safety of Canadians. Hear from senior leaders within government and industry on how they lead their organizations through this time of crisis to identify system-wide challenges and engage in new ways to develop innovative solutions. As we enter a second wave of the pandemic, panelists will reflect on some key challenges they anticipate and what measures have been put in place to overcome these challenges as we continue to collaborate moving forward. This high-level strategic dialogue sets the stage for numerous sessions throughout the conference where we will get a chance to hear from the technical experts from both government and industry on the specific pandemic related measures and their impacts.
Pierre Sabourin, MBA
Health Canada, Canada
Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Products and Food Branch
Mitch Davies, MBA
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Canada
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Industry Sector
Pamela Fralick, MA, MPA
Innovative Medicines Canada, Canada
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