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Virtual Event

Nov 04, 2020 10:00 AM - Nov 05, 2020 3:15 PM

(US Eastern Standard Time)

Fort Washington, PA 19034

Latin America Medical Information and Communication Workshop

Session 4: Crisis Management: How Companies Moved From Emergency Plans to a New Status Quo With COVID-19 and Closing Remarks

Session Chair(s)

Marta  Avellar

Marta Avellar

Medical Information Head, Latin America and North America Medical Information

Takeda, Brazil

Barbara  Nardi, PharmD

Barbara Nardi, PharmD

Global Director - Medical Communications

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Brazil

Crisis Management has always been a part of Medical Information Operations. In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, how operations are changing and adapting to this new world is of utmost importance. This session will focus on an overview of strategies and recommendations for collectively addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learning Objective :
  • Explain how operations are changing to handle the current COVID-19 crisis and the strategies companies are utilizing
  • Identify customers’ concerns and behaviors during the crisis and how teams are capturing customers’ needs
  • Identify how companies are building the new world – post COVID-19: adapting to working from home, managing teams, and resources


Bruna  Semendri De Vivo, MBA


Bruna Semendri De Vivo, MBA

ePharma, Brazil

Operations Head

Paulo Roberto  Gomes Takey, DrSc, PharmD, MSc, RPh


Paulo Roberto Gomes Takey, DrSc, PharmD, MSc, RPh

Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, Brazil

Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance & Medical Devices Vigilance

Maria Beatriz Bastos Lucchesi, MBA, MSc


Maria Beatriz Bastos Lucchesi, MBA, MSc

Fundação Butantan, Brazil

Pharmacovigilance Manager

Vera Lúcia Gattás, PhD


Vera Lúcia Gattás, PhD

Instituto Butantan , Brazil


Trudy  Burdette, BSN, RN


Trudy Burdette, BSN, RN

PPD, United States

Associate Director of Operations

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