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Mar 15, 2021 9:00 AM - Mar 19, 2021 4:30 PM

(Central Europe Standard Time)


Beyond PROs and Organized Protests: How Can We Bring the Patient Voice into HTA Decision-Making?

Session Chair(s)

Gavin  Outteridge, MA

Gavin Outteridge, MA

Managing Director

AESARA Europe, United Kingdom

PROs are not the only scientific source of Patient Experience Information (PEI) and media storms are not the only way for patients to influence HTA decisions. In this session, a diverse panel will identify best practice in European HTA body involvement of patients and use of PEI.

Learning Objective : How to best bring the patient perspective into HTA decisions


Sarah  Bobiak


Sarah Bobiak

EMD Serono, Inc., United States

Senior Scientific Director, Oncology

Representative Invited

The Evolution of Patient Involvement in NICE Appraisals

Representative Invited

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

Helen  Morement

The Lived Experience of a Patient’s Involvement in HTA Processes

Helen Morement

AMMF – The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity , United Kingdom

Chief Executive Officer

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