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Mar 15, 2021 9:00 AM - Mar 19, 2021 4:30 PM

(Central Europe Standard Time)


Building Frameworks to Make the Promise of Personalised Healthcare a Reality by Enabling Healthcare Systems

Session Chair(s)

Vivek  Muthu, MD, MA

Vivek Muthu, MD, MA


Marivek Ltd., United Kingdom

Discussions during our session will concentrate on how to assess and address policy obstacles to the integration of advanced molecular profiling and genomic data into Europe’s healthcare systems, identify best practices and their added value, and outline the potential benefits and value of data-enabled personalised healthcare.

Learning Objective : ? To assess and address obstacles to the integration of genomic data and high quality advanced molecular profiling into Europe’s healthcare systems ? To identify best practices and their added value ? To outline the potential benefits and value of data-enabled personalised healthcare and its impact on policy making in the EU ? To facilitate public private cooperation


Magda  Chlebus, MA


Magda Chlebus, MA

EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, Belgium

Executive Director, Science Policy & Regulatory Affairs

Eduardo  Pisani


Eduardo Pisani

All.Can International asbl, Belgium

Chief Executive Officer

Ricardo  Baptista Leite


Ricardo Baptista Leite

Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal

Head of Public Health

Ceri  Thompson


Ceri Thompson

European Commission, Belgium

Ilona   Torontali


Ilona Torontali

Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland

Head of Global Access Centre of Excellence

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