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Mar 15, 2021 9:00 AM - Mar 19, 2021 4:30 PM

(Central Europe Standard Time)


Clinical Operations for Studies Involving Special Populations and Adaptive Designs

Session Chair(s)

Marina Alexandra Malikova, PhD, MBA, MS, RAC

Marina Alexandra Malikova, PhD, MBA, MS, RAC

Executive Director, Translational Research, Assistant Professor of Surgery

Boston University School of Medicine, United States

Learning Objective : • Discuss key factors to consider, when developing protocols and techniques to minimize complexity, while ensuring trial success • Review a methodology to identify operational processes at execution phase • Discuss best practices to increase fiscal return, mitigate fiscal compliance risks for clinical trials with special populations


Jeffrey  Siracuse, MD, MBA

Adapting Surgical Trials for Special Situations

Jeffrey Siracuse, MD, MBA

Medical Director - Pre-Procedure Clinic, Boston University, School of Medicine, United States

Associate Professor Surgery, Radiology; Program Director Vascular, Endovascular

Representative Invited

Title to be Announced

Representative Invited

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