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Jun 27, 2021 10:00 AM - Jul 01, 2021 4:30 PM

DIA 2021 Global Annual Meeting

A Journey of Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Improve Safety Evaluation in Drug Development

Session Chair(s)

Mengchun  Li, MD, MPA

Mengchun Li, MD, MPA

Senior Director, Clinical Research, Infectious Disease

Merck & Co., Inc., United States

This session will discuss the outputs from the DIA-ASA joint scientific working group which include an aggregate safety assessment planning tool, benefit risk assessment planning, and open source interactive graphical tools, and how to implement them.

Learning Objective : Describe the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration; Evaluate the aggregate safety assessment planning tool; Discuss the status of benefit risk evaluation planning and how pre-marketing safety monitoring interconnects with benefit-risk evaluation; Identify open source interactive safety graphics tools with pragmatic guidance that can be easily applied to routine safety evaluation.


Barbara  Hendrickson, DrMed, MD

Aggregated Safety Assessment Planning

Barbara Hendrickson, DrMed, MD

University of Chicago, United States

Clinical Associate, Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Brian  Edwards, DrMed

Benefit-Risk Planning Across the Industry and Best Practice Sharing

Brian Edwards, DrMed

International Society of Pharmacovigilance, United Kingdom

Vice President

James  Buchanan, PharmD

Interactive Safety Graphics

James Buchanan, PharmD

Covilance LLC, United States


Lothar  Tremmel, PhD


Lothar Tremmel, PhD

CSL Behring, United States

Vice President, Quantitative Clinical Sciences and Reporting

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