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Jun 27, 2021 10:00 AM - Jul 01, 2021 4:30 PM

DIA 2021 Global Annual Meeting

Artificial Intelligence Validation Framework: Is it New and Different?

Session Chair(s)

Kristof  Huysentruyt, MSc

Kristof Huysentruyt, MSc

Leadinbg the development solutions business transformation initiative

UCB Pharma S.A., Belgium

How will artificial intelligence and machine learning align with the validation documentation to affirm compliance. What are risk-based approaches? What are the challenges of validating machine learning and artificial intelligence?

Learning Objective : Recognize the definitions of artificial intelligence; Explain and apply the risk-based framework that applies to artificial intelligence; Describe challenges and potential approaches for affirming compliance.


Kristof  Huysentruyt, MSc

Industry Update

Kristof Huysentruyt, MSc

UCB Pharma S.A., Belgium

Leadinbg the development solutions business transformation initiative

Oeystein  Kjoersvik, MS, MSc

Industry Update

Oeystein Kjoersvik, MS, MSc

Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC, Czech Republic

Technology Auditor and Quality Projects Lead

Elizabeth Anne MacEntee Pileggi, BSN, MBA

Industry Update

Elizabeth Anne MacEntee Pileggi, BSN, MBA

Johnson & Johnson, United States

Senior Director, Head of Global Case and Safety Data Management

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