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Mindfulness: The Power to Be Here, Now
Session Chair(s)
Mamta Chawla, PhD
Freelancer, India
This workshop will explore mindfulness' ability to help with the added stressors of Covid-19 and to improve quality of life and productivity of work teams. Participants will be able to learn mindfulness techniques. They will have an engaging experience with a case study on implementing mindfulness in workplace.
Learning Objective : Discuss the principle of mindfulness and analyze its importance; Explore how practicing mindfulness helps individuals deal with distraction; Identify and evaluate techniques for mindfulness in the workplace ; Share tips for implementing mindfulness programs with teams.
Using Mindfulness to Sail Through Covid-19 Crisis
Mamta Chawla, PhD
Freelancer, India

Strategies to Implement Successful Workplace Mindfulness Programs
Julián Camilo Avendaño
MSD Colombia, Colombia
Senior Medical Writer
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