
Dec 01, 2021 1:30 PM - Dec 02, 2021 6:40 PM

(Central Europe Standard Time)

Clinical Trial Regulation Conference

Join experts from regulatory, ethics bodies, sponsors and patients to discuss the launch of the Clinical Trial Regulation and new trends of Clinical Trials in Europe.


Nick  Sykes, MS

Nick Sykes, MS

Policy Advisor, Regulatory Strategy, EFPIA, Belgium

Nick is a Policy Advisor for Regulatory Strategy at EFPIA. Nick’s current focus is on the revision of the general pharmaceutcal legislation, regulatory aspects of the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), and the interface between the drug, device and diagnostics legislative frameworks in the EU. Prior to working at EFPIA, Nick spent 25 years at Pfizer within their Global Regulatory Sciences team. His last role in Pfizer was as Head of Europe and International Regulatory Policy. In this role he was also Co-Chair of EFPIA's Regulatory Strategy Committee. During 2019 Nick was President of TOPRA and Chairman of TOPRA's Board of Directors. Nick has a graduate degree in Genetics/Microbiology and a master’s degree in Information Science

Elke  Stahl, PhD

Elke Stahl, PhD

Senior Expert, Clinical Trials Department, Federal Institute For Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Germany

Dr. Elke Stahl, Clinical Trial Unit BfArM, Germany. Clinical Trials Senior Expert. CoChair of the Clinical Trial Facilitation Group (CTFG) till 2022. Involved in EMA’s EU CTIS groups as BfArM’s representative, National Contact Point for the CTR in Germany, representative in European Commissions CT working groups. Prior BfArM 10 years experiences as a pharmacokineticist at Bayer HealthCare AG, Germany, in early research up to candidate selection. PostDoc at Hoffmann-La Roche Inc and University of North Carolina (UNC). Ph.D. in pharmacology and licenced pharmacist.

Rose-Marie  Swallow

Rose-Marie Swallow

Senior Manager, Policy & Research, Bayer Plc., United Kingdom

Rose-Marie joined Bayer in July 2013 and is a Senior Manager in EU Regulatory Policy & Intelligence, with special responsibility for CTR implementation and Transparency within the Company. Rose-Marie came to Bayer with over 20 years EU regulatory experience in both the prescription and non-prescription healthcare sectors gained within a number of large research based Pharmaceutical Companies; as well as having worked as a Senior Regulatory Consultant in a small CRO. Rose-Marie has a BSc (1st class hons) in Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Ruediger  Pankow, DrSc

Ruediger Pankow, DrSc

Clinical Trial Regulatory Consultant | CTIS SME, Independent Consultant, Germany

Ruediger Pankow holds a university degree in Biology and is a Regulatory Affairs professional with more than 17 years of experience in the clinical research and trials regulatory space, mostly in the CRO industry. His specific area of expertise is the EU Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014 (EU CTR) and EU CTR implementation at industry level, including for his past employer Parexel. Since 2019 he has been continuously involved for ACRO as an industry stakeholders' representative (sponsor product owner / external SME) in EMA's Clinical Trial Information System (CTIS) delivery project, and is DIA instructor of EMA's CTIS sponsor end user training programme.

Monique  Al, PhD

Monique Al, PhD

Special advisor CCMO, Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CCMO), Netherlands

Monique Al is currently special advisor at the Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CCMO) in The Netherlands. Since May 2023 she is the vice-chair of the Clinical Trial Coordination Group. She is the lead of the CTCG ethics advisory group. Her background is Clinical Nutrition with a PhD in Human Biology. She has worked for several nutritional and pharmaceutical companies in the field of clinical research before she started in 2001 as a scientific staff member at the CCMO.

Scott  Feiner

Scott Feiner

Senior Manager, Trial Disclosure, AbbVie, United States

Scott has 15 years of experience with clinical trial disclosure, initially working for smaller sponsors as a one-person clinical trial disclosure department, to later operating in larger organizations, serving as an expert in summary results reporting and clinical document redaction/anonymization for public disclosure. Scott is designated as a CTIS subject matter expert by the EMA and serves as EuropaBio representative for the EU Clinical Trials Regulation.

Thomas  Schindler, PhD

Thomas Schindler, PhD

Director Global Regulatory Affairs - Regulatory Operations, BioNTech SE, Germany

Thomas M. Schindler, PhD, has studied biology and linguistics, was a member of the TransCelerate Return of Results and Clinical Research Access work streams, is contributing to the Good Lay Summary Practice initiative and the Plain Language Summary Guidance of PFMD. He has some 25 years of experience in both medical affairs and regulatory medical writing, and leads the plain language and lay summary initiatives as head of Innovation Medical Writing at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma.

Solange  Corriol-Rohou, DrMed, MD, PhD

Solange Corriol-Rohou, DrMed, MD, PhD

Senior Director, Global Regulatory Affairs & Policy, R&D, Europe, AstraZeneca , France

Pulmonologist and immuno-allergist by training, Solange joined AstraZeneca R&D in 2004 and is currently Sr. Global Policy Director, with responsibilities in the Respiratory/Infection, Oncology and Vaccine/Immune therapies franchises. Over the past 20 years, moving from the French Medicines Agency/EMA and academia to the pharmaceutical industry, she has gained strategic experience in drug development. She is quite active within EFPIA, ICH and IMI/IHI, and passionate about paediatric drug development, rare/ultra-rare diseases and drug development optimisation.

Ingrid  Klingmann

Ingrid Klingmann

Chairman, European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP), Belgium

Physician, specialised in General Medicine, Clinical Pahrmacology and Pharmaceutical Medicine. Over 25 years of experience in drug development planning, CRO and Site Management, clinical trials legislation and ethics. Teaching clinical research at DIA, Universities of Bonn and Basel.

Mireille  Muller, DrSc, PhD, MSc

Mireille Muller, DrSc, PhD, MSc

Regulatory Policy & Intelligence Director, Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland

Mireille Muller Ph.D. has over 25 years of experience in regulatory affairs at the global level, including policy, benefit-risk research, drug development focused in clinical research. Special interest in early development, scientific advice, expedited regulatory pathways, and innovative clinical trials such as innovative clinical trial designs, decentralised trials and digital health systems. Involved in several public private partnerships IHI/IMI programs and pre-competitive collaboration.

Virginia  Acha, PhD, MSc

Virginia Acha, PhD, MSc

AVP, Global Regulatory Policy, Merck Sharpe & Dohme LLC , United States

Virginia (Ginny) has worked in industry and academia throughout her career, combining interests in science policy research and innovation performance within and across organizations. She joined MSD in 2017 to lead regulatory policy efforts ex-US for innovation that leads to better treatment for patients globally. Since 2020 this scope has expanded, as Ginny now leads the talented and experienced Global Regulatory Policy and Intelligence team for MSD. Her work has regularly focused on policy shocks that challenge innovation and access to novel therapies for patients, including global and industry-wide policy work on BREXIT, COVID-19 and now the R&D impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Magda  Chlebus, MA

Magda Chlebus, MA

Executive Director, Science Policy & Regulatory Affairs, EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, Belgium

Magda Chlebus is Executive Director Scientific & Regulatory Affairs at the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), representing the R&D-based pharmaceutical industry in Europe. Magda and her team are in charge of following policy and legislative developments that influence the research and regulatory environments for the healthcare industry in Europe. She joined EFPIA in 1995. Her experience covers public and government affairs mainly at EU level, on a range of legislative and non-legislative files in the area of research, development and access to medicines and enabling technologies. Magda, a Polish national, holds a Master Degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Warsaw.

Pierre-Frederic  Omnes, MPharm

Pierre-Frederic Omnes, MPharm

Executive Director, Life Sciences, TransPerfect, France

Pierre-Frédéric Omnes recently joined Transperfect Life Sciences & has over 20 years of experience in global CROs and Pharma Companies as Regulatory Affairs consultant, overseeing numerous multinational clinical trial applications globally. He is a subject matter expert on SSU and Regulatory Operations in global clinical trials as well as on the EU CTR 536/2014 for corporate readiness, implementation, EU Portal, transparency. Pierre is part of the EMA-led initiative developing the CTIS as Lead Product Owner representing the Industry & Academia, continuing his engagement of several years in User Acceptance Testings, Workshops and Analysis& Design sessions related to the system development.

Laura  Pioppo, MSc

Laura Pioppo, MSc

Scientific Administrator, CTIS expert, European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Pharmacist with a Master degree in Pharmacovigilance, working experience at EMA in the Compliance and Inspection department, since 2016 working on the development CTIS and leading on CTIS transparency aspects, EMA liaison at the Clinical Trials Coordination Group (CTCG) and from October 2023 Programme Manager for the ACT EU initiative.

Ghislaine  Van Thiel, PhD, MSc

Ghislaine Van Thiel, PhD, MSc

Ass. Professor Medical ethics, University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands

Ghislaine van Thiel studied Health Sciences and specialized in Medical Ethics and Philosophy of Science. Currently she is Associate Professor Medical Ethics at the Julius Center of the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU). Her main research topics are ethics of drug regulation and development, and clinical ethics. Ghislaine is a member of the Dutch Health Council and chair of the Medical Research Ethics Committee METC Utrecht.

Brian  Barnes, MA

Brian Barnes, MA

Director, Risk Management Strategy, Global Clinical Development Operations, BioNTech, United States

Brian has 17 years in clinical development and has specifically supported RBQM for ten years specializing in operational solutions for small to large pharma, biopharma, and biotech companies. Brian is a co-liaison within the Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO) RBQM Working Group and presented and published on RBQM at industry meetings, conferences, and journals. Brian received his Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from San Diego State University and Master of Art in Human Physiology from the University of Texas at Austin.

Alison  Bond, PhD

Alison Bond, PhD

Director, Global Regulatory and R&D Policy, Amgen, United Kingdom

Alison is Director of Global Regulatory and R&D Policy at Amgen and is dedicated to shaping the regulatory environment to promote and support innovative, efficient, and effective approaches to developing important new therapies for patients. Alison has been a Regulatory Policy leader for over 10 years, engaging in multi-stakeholder groups and initiatives, such as through EFPIA, IMI/IHI and TransCelerate. She draws upon her extensive R&D experience across the medicine lifecycle, from gaining her PhD to holding senior roles within several CROs and large and small biopharmaceutical companies.

Greet  Musch, PhD

Greet Musch, PhD

strategic adviser , FAMHP, Belgium

Mrs Greet Musch obtained a PhD in Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences @ Free University Brussels. She joined the Pharma Industry for 8 years as responsible for all the chemical and pharmaceutical analytical activities related to the development of new innovative drugs . She moved to the Federal Public Health services as senior quality assessor. Since Aug 2004 she was in charge of the R&D department. On Feb 2009 she has been designed as Director-general for the DG Pre-authorisation in the FAMHP.

Ilona  Reischl, PhD, MPharm

Ilona Reischl, PhD, MPharm

Biologics Quality Assessor, Austrian Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (AGES MEA), Austria

Ilona Reischl joined the Austrian Agency in March 2006 and is currently an assessor within the clinical trials unit that is responsible for the evaluation of clinical trials with medicinal products and medical devices as well as GCP inspections. Her background is that of a quality assessor of biologics including Advanced Therapy Medicinal products and she is the Austrian member of the European Medicines Agency Biologics Working Party and the Committee for Advanced Therapies. Her regulatory expertise in Clinical Trials, Non-interventional studies, scientific advice and compassionate use procedures reflect a strong interest in the development of biological medicinal products.

Jan  Geissler, MBA

Jan Geissler, MBA

Managing Director, Patvocates, Germany

Jan Geissler is the founder and CEO of Patvocates. He also was the Director of EUPATI. As a patient advocate, he co-founded the patient organisations LeukaNET, WECAN, CML Advocates Network, Acute Leukemia Advocates Network and ECPC. Jan represents patients in committees of EU projects and medical societies and is a member of an ethics committee.

Merete  Joergensen, MBA, MSc

Merete Joergensen, MBA, MSc

Clinical Disclosure and Transparency Expert, Merete-J Consulting, Denmark

Merete Joergensen holds an MSc in Statistics and an MBA in Management of Technology. She has more than 30 years of experience in Clinical Research. From 2004 she has been building up the area of Clinical Trials Disclosure in Novo Nordisk A/S. She is now working as independent Clinical trials transparency expert. Prior she headed up Biostatistics in Novo Nordisk A/S for 15 years and worked 7 years as a Clinical Statistician at the medical faculty at Copenhagen University. Further she has served as Clinical Trials Transparency pillar lead, under the Clinical Research Expert Group in EFPIA.

Natacha  Bolanos

Natacha Bolanos

Global Alliances Manager , Lymphoma Coalition , France

Ulrich  Jaeger, DrMed

Ulrich Jaeger, DrMed

Professor, Medizinische Universität Wien, Austria

Ulrich Jaeger is a Professor of Hematology and the Head of the Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology at the Medical University of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital. His focus is on the translation of medical research into clinical applications in the fields of leukemia and lymphoma. Recently, precision medicine approaches, including randomized trials have been conducted in his Division. On a strategic level, he has been president of the European Hematology Association and is currently co-chair of the EMA Health Care Professional Working Party.

Kristof  Bonnarens, MPharm

Kristof Bonnarens, MPharm

Policy Officer Pharmaceuticals, European Commission, Belgium

Kristof is an industrial pharmacist. Being a Belgian national, he started working for the Belgian Federal Agency of Medicines and Health Products in 2005, and in 2009 he took up the responsibility for the Research and Development division, in charge of clinical trial applications. He was the Belgian member and secretary of the Clinical Trial Facilitation Group, and the Belgian representative in the European Commissions Clinical Trial Expert Group. He was also part of the negotiations of the Clinical Trial Regulation in 2013 and 2014. After a brief period working for the association of the Belgian pharmaceutical industry from 2016 onwards, he joined the EU Commission in 2019.

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