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Nov 14, 2022 7:00 AM - Nov 15, 2022 7:00 PM

Data Science Conference

Bridging Data Science and Clinical Development!

Session 7A: Unlocking Innovations in Data Science: Can We Reimagine Our Design Strategy and Effectively Identify the Right Data Sources?

Session Chair(s)

Ruthie  Davi, PhD, MS

Ruthie Davi, PhD, MS

Vice President, Data Science and Statistician

Medidata, a Dassault Systèmes Company, United States

Mariann  Micsinai-Balan, PhD

Mariann Micsinai-Balan, PhD

Head of Data Science

Bristol Myers Squibb, United States

The emergence of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other analytical approaches alongside new sources of vast quantities of health-related data and technical capabilities for storage and computation have incited a call for innovation in drug and device development and commercialization. The impact is potentially wide ranging. Beginning with streamlining the operation of clinical trials such as data driven site selection or algorithmic identification of potential data errors, including new clinical trial designs such as using synthetic controls, decentralized trials, or novel endpoints, and then extending to our clinical and scientific understanding of diseases. Many of these innovations utilize data sources other than the gold standard randomized controlled trial, like omics data, real-world data, or even social media. In this session, we will hear from visionaries in data science, learn about data sources and data sharing programs, and discuss the opportunities and challenges as our industry adapts to incorporate these ideas.

Learning Objective :
  • Identify some of the data sources including real world data availability and clinical trial data sharing programs and the potential advantages and challenges associated with them
  • Discuss types of analyses and approaches data scientists commonly employ
  • List examples where data science has impacted or has potential to impact clinical trials or medical product development or commercialization


Representative Invited


Representative Invited

Novartis, Switzerland

Representative Invited


Representative Invited

AbbVie, United States

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