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Session 2: Complex Innovative Trials Designs: Current Perspectives and Future Directions
Session Chair(s)
Anup Amatya, PhD
Lead Mathematical Statistician
FDA, United States
Lisa Hampson, PhD
Senior Director, Advanced Methodology & Data Science
Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland
Any trial design that improves the speed, efficiency, or flexibility of drug development over the standard randomized controlled trial design could be described as innovative. Novel approaches to clinical trial designs may be needed to bring new treatments to patients faster, particularly in often rare and more targeted patient populations. Complex innovative trials may feature the use of early surrogate endpoints, adaptive designs permitting mid-study changes to the trial based on accruing data, Bayesian methods leveraging trial-external information, and master protocols studying several treatments or disease subtypes under the same overarching protocol. The use of the ICH E9(R1) estimand framework remains relevant for complex innovative designs when the objective is to estimate a treatment effect, where trials answering several questions will have multiple estimands which may evolve during the trial as a result of pre-planned adaptations. In this session, through discussion and case-studies, we will explore innovative approaches to clinical trial design and review how the estimand framework can be applied to complex innovative trials.
Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
- Discuss regulatory perspectives on innovations in clinical trials
- Identify issues relevant to applying the ICH E9(R1) framework to complex innovative trials
- Explain Bayesian approaches to complex clinical trial design
- Discuss practical issues associated with the implementation of complex innovative designs
Dionne Price, PhD
FDA, United States
Deputy Director, Office of Biostatistics, OTS, CDER
Olivier Collignon
GlaxoSmithKline, United Kingdom
Complex Innovative Trials Designs: Current Perspectives and Future Directions
Melanie Quintana, PhD
Berry Consultants, LLC, United States
Director & Senior Statistical Scientist
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