Ottawa Conference and Event Centre

Nov 07, 2023 7:30 AM - Nov 08, 2023 4:10 PM

200 Coventry Road, Ottawa, ON K1K 4S3, Canada

Canada Annual Meeting

The Canada Annual Meeting offers Three Tracks, Regulatory, Clinical, Pharmacovigilance!

Session 8, Track A: Do You Have a Handle on Data Transparency? Best Practices for Management and Public Release of Clinical Data and Confidential Business Information

Session Chair(s)

Maria  Anillo

Maria Anillo

Regulatory Affairs Project Manager

AstraZeneca Canada Inc., Canada

Brenda  Gryfe, MSc

Brenda Gryfe, MSc

Regulatory Consultant

Flying Moose Technologies , Canada

Increased transparency requirements, with the need to protect personal information and confidential business information (CBI) have posed challenges. In this session, we will discuss obstacles faced by Sponsors to share best practices and key considerations for the public release of clinical data, which address feedback from Health Canada on data anonymization and redaction. We will also hear from an end user on use of data gathered from the platform.

Learning Objective :
  • Define transparency requirements for sponsors and expectations from regulators
  • Describe challenges faced by Sponsors when dealing with data anonymization/redaction
  • Discuss best practices and key considerations for public release of clinical data, during dossier preparation and post-approval


Lama  Abi Khaled, JD, MBA

Public Release of Clinical Information Industry’s Experience and Challenges

Lama Abi Khaled, JD, MBA

Innovative Medicines Canada, Canada

Executive Director, Ethics, Legal and Regulatory

Obaraboye  Olude, MPH

Best Practices in Protecting Personal and Confidential Business Information in Clinical Documents for Public Disclosure

Obaraboye Olude, MPH

Privacy Analytics, Inc., Canada

Clinical Trial Transparency Manager

Honz  Slipka, MSc

Proactive and Reactive Strategies for Protecting Personal and Confidential Business Information in Clinical Documents for Public Disclosure

Honz Slipka, MSc

Certara, Canada

Senior Transparency Specialist

Samantha  Pollard, PhD, MS

Enhanced Information Access Supporting Decisional Transparency

Samantha Pollard, PhD, MS

BC Cancer, Canada

Senior Methodologist

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