Mercure Amsterdam City Hotel

Nov 08, 2023 8:30 AM - Nov 09, 2023 5:15 PM

Joan Muyskenweg 10, 1096 CJ Amsterdam, Netherlands

Global Forum for Qualified Persons for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV)

This Forum provides valuable insights into the most pressing issues QPPVs are facing today. This event has limited capacity, register early!

Session 2: QPPV Oversight - Deep Dive In Business Partners

Session Chair(s)

Katarzyna  Swiderek, MPharm, RPh

Katarzyna Swiderek, MPharm, RPh

Director, Safety Evaluation Risk Management (SERM)

GlaxoSmithKline, Poland

Kiernan  Trevett, MSc

Kiernan Trevett, MSc

Quality Policy Lead

Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group, United States

Angela  Van Der Salm, PhD, MSc

Angela Van Der Salm, PhD, MSc

Director PV, Managing partner

DADA Consultancy B.V., Netherlands

One of the main responsibilities of the QPPV is to ensure that the PV system under their responsibility is functioning as it should. QPPV oversight is therefore a recurrent topic in the QPPV Forum to share new insights and systems for ensuring this, especially relevant in the globalisation of PV systems and increased complexity with shared responsibilities between multiple business partners. This year, we dive deeper into oversight strategies for PV vendors and licensing partners, including key performance indicators and other measures outside of periodic audits.


Caroline  Fitzsimons

Oversight from a CRO Point of View

Caroline Fitzsimons

IQVIA, Ireland

Associate Director, Local QPPV Network Oversight

Yusuf  Tanrikulu

QPPV Oversight where Non-EU License Partner is GSDB Holder

Yusuf Tanrikulu

Deutschland, Germany

Rory  Littlebury

PV System Oversight as a Process

Rory Littlebury

GSK, United Kingdom

Safety Governance Director

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