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Workshops - Evolving MedInfo for the Future
Session Chair(s)
Isabelle C. Widmer, DrMed
CEO elytra GmbH, Consultant
elytra GmbH, Switzerland
Michelle Bridenbaker, BSN, MBA, MS
Vice President Medical Information Leaders in Europe
Recordati, Switzerland
Join us for an engaging and hands-on workshop where participants will have the opportunity to delve into critical topics in medical information. This session will be divided into two parallel working groups, each guided by an expert speaker on a topic each. Participants will benefit from interactive discussions, collaborative activities, and networking opportunities within their groups. This format is designed to foster learning from peers and experts alike, ensuring a rich exchange of knowledge and practical insights.
This year's topics:
- 1) Future proofing your Medical Information Set-Up Medical Information teams are often seen as a support function rather than a strategic partner. However, as the customer engagement landscape shifts, stakeholder needs change, self-service information access becomes ubiquitous, and technologies such as AI are introduced, it is a good time to assess how the Medical Information function must evolve to stay relevant. We will discuss how the changing landscape and technological advances impact Medical Information roles and skill sets, anticipate which skills will be needed in the future, and whether these should be developed internally or sourced externally. Additionally, we will discuss how and why to position Medical Information as a strategic partner and share best practice examples.
- 2) Implementing AI and Tech in MedInfo a. Discuss challenges faced when implementing AI/technology projects in MI b. Summary of current technology trends in MI c. Provide Implementation framework as best practice to support successful implement d. Workshop together AI projects using the framework provided e. Q&A if time permits
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