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Adverse Event Reporting Requirements: IND and Postmarketing


Elliott  Berger, PhD, MS

Elliott Berger, PhD, MS

President, ETB Regualtory Consulting, United States

Elliott T. Berger, PhD, is President of ETB Regulatory Consulting, LLC. He recently retired from BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc., where he held the position of Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for 14 years. He has frequently served as speaker and session chair at numerous meetings and workshops for DIA and for the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). He serves as an instructor for the DIA Regulatory Affairs: The IND, NDA, and Post-Marketing training course and is a member of the DIA Regulatory Training Committee.

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  • Individual registration is a license for ONE internet login allowing one viewer.
  • Group site registration is a license for ONE internet login allowing multiple viewers from one location.

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Participants with Disabilities:  Reasonable accommodations will be made available to persons with disabilities who attend an educational activity. Contact the DIA office in writing at least 15 days prior to event to indicate your needs

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