
Nov 14, 2022 9:00 AM - Nov 14, 2022 5:00 PM

(Central Europe Standard Time)

DIA/MEB Excellence in Pharmacovigilance. Module 1: Post-Marketing

GVP Modules VI and VII


Wendy  Huisman, PharmD

Wendy Huisman, PharmD

Director, Vigifit, Netherlands

Over the past 25 years Wendy has been dedicated to pharmacovigilance. She has broad experience as EU QPPV for generic and innovative products in complex companies. She also has wealth of experience in lobbying and networking in trade associations/working groups. In her current role, Wendy provides pharmacovigilance support to Pharmaceutical Industry and SMEs (startups). She enjoys setting up the PV system and supports in the development of the PSMF with associated documents. Since 2020 Wendy is a trained professional in Transactional Analysis (TA). TA is a theory of human personality and social behavior. TA gives a wealth of options to work with challenges and changes in organisational and personal development.

Fakhredin Sayed Tabatabaei, MD, PhD

Fakhredin Sayed Tabatabaei, MD, PhD

Senior Assessor, MEB, Netherlands

Fakhredin Sayed Tabatabaei is a medical doctor and epidemiologist, working as Senior Assessor Pharmacovigilance at the Dutch national agency (MEB) for more than 17 years. He is also the chairman of the CMDh HaRP Project (Harmonization of Risk Management Plan). Fakhredin was an active member of the European Pioneer Group drafting the electronic product information (ePI) Key Principles that is published in 2020, and he is currently involved in the ePI Pilot Project in the Netherlands. Besides, he is the MEB representative in the Gravitate Health project, and the Network Subject Matter Expert in the Product Management Services (PMS) project.

Liana  Martirosyan

Liana Martirosyan

PRAC Member and PRAC Vice-Chair, Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB), Netherlands

Liana Martirosyan has been with Medicines Evaluation board since 2012 in the field of pharmacovigilance. Since 2008 she is the alternate PRAC member from the Netherlands. Liana is a medical doctor and holds MPH degree and PhD in pharmacoepidemiology. Special interests of Liana include interventions in clinical practice to minimize the drug safety risks and evaluation of additional risk minimization measures’ effectiveness.

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