
Jan 29, 2021 10:00 AM - Jan 29, 2021 6:30 PM

8th DIA Cardiac Safety Workshop in Japan


Kaori  Shinagawa, MD, PhD

Kaori Shinagawa, MD, PhD

Senior Scientist for Clinical Medicine, Office of New Drug II, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan

Dr. Kaori Shinagawa is Senior Scientist for Clinical Medicine, PMDA. She has been involved in clinical trial consultations and reviews of new drugs, assessments of cardiac safety of new drugs, and in creating new guidelines for Japanese drug applications. She has also been involved in ICH activities since 2005 including the E14 topic on clinical QT assessment. She is an executive committee member of the Cardiac Safety Research Consortium. She is a cardiologist and holds a doctoral degree of Medical Science. Dr Shinagawa's main research field was electrophysiology, and she has published in a variety of prestigious cardiovascular journals. She received the Kimura Memorial Award from the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society in 2000.

Yasunari  Kanda, PhD

Yasunari Kanda, PhD

Head of Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences, Japan

Dr. Kanda is Head of Division of Pharmacology, National Institute of Health Sciences. In this position, Dr. Kanda is responsible for all-japan project for cardiac safety assessment of human iPS cells. Dr. Kanda has over 20 years' experience in the pharmacology and toxicology field. Dr. Kanda hold a Ph. D. from the University of Tokyo and is also the recipient of the Metallomics Young Scientist Award for 2013.

Keita  Fujikawa

Keita Fujikawa

Head of General Medicine, Japan Medical Office, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Japan

Yuji  Kumagai, MD, PhD

Yuji Kumagai, MD, PhD

Professor, Kitasato Clinical Research Center, Kitasato University Hospital, Japan

Dr. Yuji Kumagai is a clinical pharmacologist and he graduated from Medical College of Oita, Oita, Japan. After he got training on clinical pharmacology especially in cardiac drugs in Post Graduate School, Medical College of Oita, Oita, Japan, he was sent to Dr. Franz Halberg’s Chronobiology Laboratories, University of Minnesota as an official trainee of Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. He leaded many clinical trials as the professor of Clinical Research Center, School of Medicine, Kitasato University, and the director of Clinical Trial Center at Kitasato University East Hospital, Japan. After being given the title of Professor emeritus, he is working at Kitasato Institute Hospital.

Atsushi  Sugiyama, MD, PhD

Atsushi Sugiyama, MD, PhD

Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, Toho University Faculty of Medicine, Japan

Dr. Sugiyama became a professor of Pharmacology of Toho University in April 2010 and remains active in the field of Cardiac Safety Pharmacology and its strategic direction. Dr. Sugiyama also maintains clinical practice as a cardiologist as well as a clinical pharmacologist. He has published over 170 peer-reviewed scientific original articles and is considered as an international expert of Cardiac Safety Pharmacology. He received his MD and PhD from Yamanashi Medical University, and is a Councilor of Japanese Pharmacological Society, Japanese Heart Rhythm Society and Japanese Safety Pharmacology Society.

Kyosuke  Takeshita, MD, PhD

Kyosuke Takeshita, MD, PhD

Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Japan

Kyosuke Takeshita, M.D., Ph.D., FAHA, is Associate Professor in the Departments of Clinical Laboratory, Nagoya University Hospital. In this position, Dr. Takeshita is responsible for managing education, research, and operational activities in clinical laboratory. Dr. Takeshita has over 20 years’ experience as a cardiology physician and a researcher of vascular biology. Dr. Takeshita has a special interest in biological mechanisms of systemic inflammation and thrombotic disorders, and assessment of physiological cardiovascular function. Dr. Takeshita earned PhD in Nagoya University School of Medicine, and is the recipients of YIA of the Japanese Circulation Association 2007, and Young Investigator Okamoto Award 2007.

Satoshi  Tsunoda

Satoshi Tsunoda

Specialist, Office of New Drug IV, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan

Takashi  Yoshinaga

Takashi Yoshinaga

Executive Director, Advanced Biosignal Safety Assessment, Eisai Co., Ltd., Japan

Börje C. Darpö, MD, PhD

Börje C. Darpö, MD, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer, Cardiac Safety, Clario, Sweden

Borje Darpo received is a board certified cardiologist since 1989. He specialized in clinical electrophysiology and presented his thesis on the clinical development of an antiarrhythmic drug in 1995. In 1998 he was appointed Fellow of the European Heart Association and in 2000 Associate Professor in Cardiology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. In 1998 he joined Pharmacia and has held positions as Clinical Program Leader in Cardiovascular, Regional Head of EU for Clinical Pharmacology and Senior Director in Pfizer’s Clinical Technologies group in Sandwich, UK. Between April 2004 and March 2006, Dr Darpo held the position as Chief Medical Officer of Daiichi Medical Research in UK and USA.

Gary  Gintant, PhD

Gary Gintant, PhD

Research Fellow, AbbVie Inc., United States

Gary Gintant is a Research Fellow in the Dept. of Integrative Pharmacology, Global Pharmaceutical R&D, AbbVie. He is also a member of the CiPA Steering Committee and Co-Chair of the HESI Stem Celll-Cardiomyocyte Working Group.

Tadahiro  Shinozawa, PhD

Tadahiro Shinozawa, PhD

Associate Director, Drug Safety Research Lab, Regenerative Medicine Unit, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Japan

Dr. Tadahiro Shinozawa is associate director of Drug Safety Research Laboratories and Regenerative medicine Unit at Takeda Pharmaceutical Company. In these positions, Dr. Shinozawa is responsible for leading the predictive toxicology group and T-CiRA PJ as Co-PI. Dr. Shinozawa has over 10 years' experience in the pharmaceutical industry and joined Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center as a visiting scholar in 2016. Dr. Shinozawa holds a PhD in Agriculture from Tohoku University, and is also the recipient of Award of Graduate School of Agricultural Science in Tohoku University.

Katsuyoshi  Chiba, PhD

Katsuyoshi Chiba, PhD

Senior Director and Head, Group III, Medicinal Safety Research Laboratories, R&D, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., Japan

Yoshito  Zamami

Yoshito Zamami

Associate professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,, Tokushima University Graduate School, Japan

Zhihua   Li, PhD

Zhihua Li, PhD

Biologist, Div. of Applied Regulatory Science, Office of Clinical Pharmacology, , Food and Drug Administration, United States

Hideaki  Takahashi

Hideaki Takahashi

Reviewer, Pharmacheuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Japan

Dr. Hideaki Takahashi is a member of medical reviewers at Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency. Dr. Takahashi is responsible for review of new anticancer drugs and a member of Real world data Working Group. Dr. Takahashi has over 15 years’ experience as a physician, mainly oncology field.

Jorg  Taubel, MD, FFPM

Jorg Taubel, MD, FFPM

Chief Executive Officer, Richmond Pharmacology, United Kingdom

Boaz  Mendzelevski, MD

Boaz Mendzelevski, MD

Consultant Cardiologist, Cardiac Safety Consultants Ltd., United Kingdom

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