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Session Chair(s)
Priya Bahri, PhD, RPh
Senior Lead (Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Guidance and Policy)
European Medicines Agency, Netherlands
Pharmacovigilance guidelines (GVP) in special populations, i.e. children, older patients and women concerning pregnancy and breastfeeding, are currently being developed. The RMP Info Day will offer the opportunity to share the current status of the guidelines with a special emphasis on the impact of new guidelines on medicines risk management in these populations. Furthermore, this will be an opportunity to solicit input from stakeholders for further development specifically of the GVP on older people to enhance medicines’ safety in the geriatric population.
GVP for Paediatrics
Roberto De Lisa, MD
European Medicines Agency, Netherlands
Scientific Officer, Paediatric Medicines Office
GVP for Older People
Priya Bahri, PhD, RPh
European Medicines Agency, Netherlands
Senior Lead (Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Guidance and Policy)
GVP for Pregnancy
Corinne de Vries, PhD, MA, MSc
European Medicines Agency, Netherlands
Head of Translational Sciences Office
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