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May 10, 2022 9:00 AM - May 13, 2022 1:30 PM

(Central Europe Standard Time)

EMA Clinical Trials Information System - Sponsor user training programme

Demonstrations and explanations of the system functionalities including initial application, RFIs, submitting a modification, search and download options etc.


Calin A. Lungu, MD

Calin A. Lungu, MD

CEO, Drug Development Consulting Services S.A. (DDCS), Luxembourg

Dr. Lungu has over 30 years’ experience in drug development, clinical research, Pharmacovigilance and quality assurance. He conducted more than 160 Pharmacovigilance quality system audits in more than 40 countries around the globe. Apart of audits, he is a dedicated trainer of the official EMA EudraVigilance and XEVMPD training programmes and led over 300 offerings since 2004.

Noemie  Manent, PharmD

Noemie Manent, PharmD

TDA-CTT Operations Workstream Lead, European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Noémie Manent is the Operations Lead in the Clinical Trial Transformation team at the European Medicines Agency, facilitating change management for member states and sponsors with the implementation of the clinical trial Regulation. She has played an essential role in the set up of structured summary results for clinical trials. Also, she has experience in the coordination of inspections for marketing authorisation application. Noemie has more than 15 years experience working in clinical R&D for small and medium enterprises in industry and academia mainly in France and the United Kingdom.

Pierre-Frederic  Omnes, MPharm

Pierre-Frederic Omnes, MPharm

Executive Director, Life Sciences, TransPerfect, France

Pierre-Frédéric Omnes recently joined Transperfect Life Sciences & has over 20 years of experience in global CROs and Pharma Companies as Regulatory Affairs consultant, overseeing numerous multinational clinical trial applications globally. He is a subject matter expert on SSU and Regulatory Operations in global clinical trials as well as on the EU CTR 536/2014 for corporate readiness, implementation, EU Portal, transparency. Pierre is part of the EMA-led initiative developing the CTIS as Lead Product Owner representing the Industry & Academia, continuing his engagement of several years in User Acceptance Testings, Workshops and Analysis& Design sessions related to the system development.

Jose Alberto Ayala  Ortiz, MPharm, MSc

Jose Alberto Ayala Ortiz, MPharm, MSc

QPPV, PVpharm, Spain

José is an expert in the field of Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety. He has experience both from the Regulatory (Danish Medicines Agency), and from the Pharmaceutical Industry, where he has been responsible for Pharmacovigilance IT systems, databases and electronic transmissions. He has been training EVWeb and XEVMPD training courses since 2004, and collaborates in the development of these training courses. He provides also EU QPPV services and local QPPV services in Spain for Pharmaceutical Companies.

Ruediger  Pankow, DrSc

Ruediger Pankow, DrSc

Clinical Trial Regulatory Consultant | CTIS SME, Independent Consultant, Germany

Ruediger Pankow holds a university degree in Biology and is a Regulatory Affairs professional with more than 17 years of experience in the clinical research and trials regulatory space, mostly in the CRO industry. His specific area of expertise is the EU Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014 (EU CTR) and EU CTR implementation at industry level, including for his past employer Parexel. Since 2019 he has been continuously involved for ACRO as an industry stakeholders' representative (sponsor product owner / external SME) in EMA's Clinical Trial Information System (CTIS) delivery project, and is DIA instructor of EMA's CTIS sponsor end user training programme.

Fatima  Pimentel

Fatima Pimentel

Director, Regulatory Consulting, Syneos Health, Spain

Fatima Pimentel joined Syneos Health in 2021 as an Associate Director, Site Start-Up & Regulatory and is also responsible for the training and development of the new CTIS Portal Team. She worked as a Regulator in the Portuguese Agency INFARMED, I.P, between 2005-2021 in the Clinical Trial Unit, as a senior CT coordinator. Fatima was part of several EMA CT groups as well as CTFG. Fátima studied Industrial Pharmacy and obtained a POS-degree in Clinical trials Monitoring. Joining the EMA-CTIS project almost from start as a MS Product Owner and master trainer. Currently she is a trainer in the EMA/DIA CTIS sponsor trainings.

Laura  Pioppo, MSc

Laura Pioppo, MSc

Scientific Administrator, CTIS expert, European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Pharmacist with a Master degree in Pharmacovigilance, working experience at EMA in the Compliance and Inspection department, since 2016 working on the development CTIS and leading on CTIS transparency aspects, EMA liaison at the Clinical Trials Coordination Group (CTCG) and from October 2023 Programme Manager for the ACT EU initiative.

Ana  Rodriguez Sanchez Beato , PhD

Ana Rodriguez Sanchez Beato , PhD

Head of Clinical and Non-Clinical Compliance, CTIS expert, European Medicines Agency, Netherlands

Ana Rodriguez qualified in Pharmacy in 1990 and received her PhD in molecular microbiology in 1995 at Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Since then she has been working in the clinical research field first in the pharmaceutical industry first and since September 2003 at EMA, after joining the Inspection Sector. She became Head of the Clinical and Non-clinical Compliance Service in 2009, being involved in the implementation of the Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR) since its publication as well as in the development of CTIS, providing the business perspective. She moved to the Clinical Trial Workstream in March 2020 with the role of CTIS deputy programme manager and CTIS expert.

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