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Jun 30, 2025 2:00 PM - Jul 04, 2025 6:30 PM

(Central Europe Standard Time)

Mandatory use of ISO/ICH E2B(R3) Individual Case Safety Reporting in the EU: Hands-on Training Course using the EudraVigilance System

Virtual live training course including EMA required knowledge evaluation, on how to report, view and download ICSRs using the EudraVigilance system and principles of EVDAS.


2:00 PM6:30 PM

Day 1 Module 1

2:00 PM6:30 PM

Day 2 Module 2

2:00 PM6:30 PM

Day 3 Module 3

2:00 PM6:30 PM

Day 4 Module 4

2:00 PM6:30 PM

Day 5 Module 5

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