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Responsibilities for Chairs and Speakers

Session Chair Responsibilities*

The following are general guidelines for your role as a Session Chair in a program offering (session, forum, workshop, and other program offerings).

  1. Maintain communication with Track Chair(s) (members of the Annual Meeting Program Committee/AMPC) and DIA regarding the development of your session, workshop, forum, program offering, etc.
  2. Review the Program Requirements including the Program Participant Recruitment section and the Guidelines and Formats for Program Offerings quick guide as you begin the development of the program offering and the recruitment of speakers.
  3. Adhere to DIA Annual Meeting deadlines and assist DIA in ensuring that all speakers meet their deadlines.
    • All confirmed speakers and participants of the Global Annual Meeting program must complete Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials via the website. Refer to Program Requirements for more information.
    • All presentations must be submitted by the established designated deadline to DIA’s presentation management system. Access for uploading presentations will be added to Speakers Corner in early May.
  4. Maintain a close working relationship with speakers as they develop their presentation.
    • Ensure that the content being developed matches your vision for the program offering.
    • Meet with speakers well before the program offering via teleconference and/or email to ensure a cohesive session by reviewing the goals and objectives for the session, the length of time per presentation (if applicable), and how Q&A with the audience will work.
    • Provide speakers with learning objectives and difficulty level.
    • Request and review speaker’s draft outline of presentation.
    • Ensure there is no overlap of content between speakers.
    • Encourage speakers to attend one (1) speaker webinar; schedule to be announced.
    • Advise speakers that their presentation must not be commercial or promotional, and speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company-specific emblems.
  5. Review and approve speaker presentations after they have been submitted to DIA’s presentation management system to confirm that each presentation:
    • Does not include the presenter’s company logo anywhere in the presentation if the speaker represents a commercial entity.
    • Meets the content level criteria designated for the offering.
    • Fits within the written offering overview.
    • Helps meet the learning objectives outlined for the offering.
    • Is non-commercial, objective, fairly balanced, and otherwise adheres to the DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium.
    • Does not overlap with others, and, if it does, consider modifying the overlapping presentations to avoid redundancy.
  6. Plan for Q&A success. Review our guide with quick tips and tricks that will make a big difference in your session’s Q&A during the program offering (applies to LIVE, Semi-LIVE, and On-Demand sessions):
    • Start on time and finish on time.
    • Maintain timing of each presenter and allow* ample time for questions and answers from the audience. *if applicable to your session format (LIVE and Semi-LIVE)
    • Have your starter questions prepared for opening the Q&A portion of your session (if applicable). This will allow you to engage audience participation while waiting for questions to come in from the audience.
    • Project your voice, speak clearly, and avoid speaking too quickly.
    • Repeat questions, that were asked via the Chat before addressing them
    • Silence mobile devices, email, Instant Messenger and any other technology distractions prior to the start of your session.
    • All chairs and speakers are offered complementary registration to the Global Annual Meeting on the day(s) of their presentation(s). If any speaker would like to attend the remainder of the meeting (days on which they are not presenting), unless they are eligible for full complimentary registration, they will be charged a discounted registration fee for attendance at the rest of the meeting. The fee is consistent for all speakers. Please review our Chair and Speaker discount registration information, instructions, and policies for industry employees, full time regulatory agencies, academics, non profit employees, and patients.
**Inclusive of Session, Forum, and Workshop

Speaker Responsibilities*

The following are general guidelines for your role as a Speaker within the Global Annual Meeting program agenda (session, forum, workshop, and other program offerings).

  1. Adhere to the DIA Volunteer Code of Conduct
  2. Confirm your participation and review details for your presentation
  3. Adhere to program deadlines
  4. Complete the Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials via the website, as this is a requirement for participation; instructions are provided to participants.
  5. Review presentation to ensure that:
    • The prepared presentation is not commercial or promotional, is objective, fair balanced and adheres to the DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium at DIA-Sponsored Programs
    • It does not contain logo or other company-specific emblem.
    • It meets the content level criteria designated for the offering (i.e., beginner, intermediate, or advanced).
    • It helps meet the learning objectives for the program offering.
    • It does not overlap with the other presentation(s) within the program offering.
  6. Presentation Recording
    • DIA is planning to record your presentation and will make it available with other content from this meeting, along with our peer-reviewed publication, magazine, podcasts, and other content.
    • This content will be available on DIA’s curated database platform, DIA NOW, that is available for purchase. DIA NOW allows you, as our speakers, to extend the reach of your content to a new audience outside of just your live presentation. Learn more.

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