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Learning and Networking

Join attendees for our multiple networking opportunities at this year's meeting!

Providing education and creating an environment for learning is something that we take personally, which is why we offer an array of learning formats to diversify and customize your experience in an effort to maximize your time at DIA Europe 2020. From observing conversations that count to diving into problem-solving mode, we have your learning styles covered.

  • Preconference Training Courses

    Arriving in Brussels early? Maximize your time by taking a deep dive into your area of interest while networking with like-minded thought leaders.

    These Training Courses are designed to enhance your knowledge in two specific areas, and are designed for high applicability to the relevant job functions.

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  • DIAmond Sessions

    Thought-provoking, worldwide issues deconstructed by acclaimed panelists representing multiple stakeholders from around the world in this growing ecosystem of life sciences.

    DIAmonds represent rare opportunities to listen to and engage with a variety of key stakeholders participating in open conversations on controversial topics such as: diversity in clinical trials, international regulatory convergence, value and access, patient engagement, radical technologies, personalized medicine, real world evidence, an FDA forum, and EMA/FDA question time.

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  • Concurrent Educational Sessions

    Traditional sessions dedicated to the “how to”, “so what”, “what’s new”, and specific innovations needed to keep up on your day-to-day.

    Running from 60-75 minutes, we anticipate having more than 100 sessions spanning 12 educational tracks. Stop in any of our classrooms, lectures, or workshops to review data, work flow, scaling, and so much more. These are traditional sessions designed to take you through methodology, the latest trends, hot issues, and in some cases, to provide foundational information.

  • The Content Hub

    Have 20 minutes? Join in on a conversation and come away with new perspectives!

    This non-traditional learning/networking hybrid is specifically designed for small groups to connect face-to-face with others that share the same interests. The 2020 meeting schedule will highlight a series of 20-minute facilitated conversations. Interact with community leaders and have one-on-one discussions to gain rapid insight in a subject of value.

  • Poster Sessions

    Walk through a gallery of visually stimulating science and new best practice recommendations.

    The poster area is an opportunity for you to view methodology (“how to”), case study, and research, presented by a diverse group of scientific professionals who are actively involved in the discovery, development, and lifecycle management of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and healthcare-related products.

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