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My DIA App

Navigate DIA Conferences from Your Smart Device!

The My DIA App is designed to enhance your meeting experience and provide valuable information in one place.

DIA Mobile Appmobile app pages

Benefits of the New App:
  • Activity Stream that provides real-time updates
  • Manage your conference agenda and curate a personal experience
  • Connect and network with conference attendees
  • Find exhibitors on the floor plan, view their information, and search their booth number
  • Browse and bookmark speakers, sessions, and exhibitors so they can access with one touch
  • Send and receive meeting invites from conference participants
  • Integration with your social media channels

Download the Free App Today!

To download, search for "My DIA" in your device's app store

  • Login to the app with your DIA Username and Password
  • Access information for the events that you’re registered for
To access a specific conference within the app:
  • Select the meeting (the app will only display the conferences you are registered to attend)

To enjoy the full benefits of the app and to avoid delays during the download process, attendees
are strongly encouraged to download the app prior to their arrival at the conference.

Not able to Access an Apple or Android Product?

Access the Mobile Web version, which is a browser-based version for use on most web-enabled smartphones. Please view your Know Before You Go email for access instructions for your specific event.

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