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Royal Tulip Brasília Alvorada Hotel

25 sep 2024 8:00 a.m. - 26 sep 2024 4:00 p.m.

Shtn - Trechno 01, Conj 1Bb - Bloco C, 40800-200 Brasília, Brazil

Latin America Annual Meeting

Take advantage of opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing with key stakeholders influencing the advancement and implementation of initiatives in Latin America.

Early Bird Rates Expire





Session 6 Plenary: Advancements in Patient Safety and Centricity in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Empowering and Engaging Better Healthcare

Session Chair(s)

Raphael Elmadjian Pareschi, PharmD, MBA

Raphael Elmadjian Pareschi, PharmD, MBA

Patient Safety Lead/ Head of Pharmacovigilance Brazil

Roche, Brazil

Barbara  Nardi, PharmD

Barbara Nardi, PharmD

Global Director - Medical Communications

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Brazil

Susan  Koepke, MBA

Susan Koepke, MBA

Head of Regulatory Affairs LATAM

EMD Serono, Inc., United States

Effective communication strategies with patients are crucial to combat misinformation, enable stakeholders to make informed decisions, and enhance their experience with medicinal products. By providing accurate and clear information, addressing concerns, and promoting health literacy, patients can be empowered to take an active role in their healthcare.

Learning Objective :
  • Gain insights on methods to bring patients at the core of their decision-making process in the pharma industry
  • Identify the importance of having the patient's perspective as a crucial of pharma industry strategy
  • Identify opportunities for e-labeling initiatives to inform better outcomes for patients


Susan  Koepke, MBA

Susan Koepke, MBA

EMD Serono, Inc., United States

Head of Regulatory Affairs LATAM

Claudia  Echeverria

Claudia Echeverria

Roche, Brazil

Chapter Lead Patient Experience (Patient Advocacy, Patient Solutions)

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