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Menú Volver a 06-Safety-PV

Track 6: Safety and Pharmacovigilance

DIA 2017: Driving Insights to Action! 

With 16 sessions specific to Safety and Pharmacovigilance, this track provides an overview of the global regulatory environment in this field, setting the context for its main focus of examining system-level approaches to resolving complex pharmacovigilance issues of today. Forward thinking sessions address the application of new technologies and methods to streamline pharmacovigilance systems and processes without compromising patient safety as products become more complex, regulatory requirements more stringent, and medical product development more global.

Highlights in Safety and Pharmacovigilance

  • Pharmacovigilance systems for vaccines
  • Postmarket Safety Studies: Approaches and regulatory insights
  • Benefit-risk: Integrated life cycle approaches in assessment, communication, and evaluation
  • New considerations in benefit-risk management
  • Innovations in communication for physician and patient labeling
  • Global safety monitoring regulations – addressing through systematic approaches
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and redesigning pharmacovigilance for the future
  • Automation and innovation in clinical trial safety assessment
  • The ongoing globalization of pharmacovigilance and regionally-focused changing environments in pharmacovigilance
  • Featured Topics in Risk-Based Monitoring, Patient Centricity, Statistics, and Career Development

DIA recommends this track and associated sessions to professionals involved in: Drug Safety/Pharmacovigilance, Risk Management and REMS, Benefit-Risk Assessment and Communication, Medical Product Safety Assessment, Pharmacoepidemiology, Postmarket Studies and Real World Evidence Generation, Statistics, Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Research, Medical Affairs, MSL, and Health Outcomes.

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Sessions in Safety and Pharmacovigilance

Sunday, June 18 | Short Courses

View All Short Courses

Monday, June 19

Tuesday, June 20

Wednesday, June 21

Thursday, June 22

Need More on Safety?

DIA’s Learning portfolio offers multiple face-to-face and online opportunities. Our courses provide comprehensive coverage of the full discovery, development, and life cycle management of health care products. DIA’s unique multidisciplinary environment provides learning opportunities not only in participants’ respective fields, but also in related fields—lending new perspectives that help teams collaborate more efficiently and effectively. DIA wants to ensure you’re prepared with the knowledge, solutions, and strategies you need to be successful in in today's complex global regulatory environment.

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