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P204: Connected Drug Delivery Devices: Satisfying the Needs of Patients, Healthcare Professionals, and Regulators

Poster Presenter

      Yury Rozenman

      • Senior Vice President, Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
      • Ada Health
        United States


Explore R&D and Commercial applications of connected drug delivery devices and outline best practices for implementation to satisfy regulatory bodies while keeping patients and physicians engaged, strengthening value to payers, and protecting market share.


Findings from Novartis research reinforce the efficacy of embedding emerging technology into a drug delivery device. Evidence gathered via the tech illustrates the value that emerges from connected pathways, including improved clinical trial design if done early enough in the development process.


Highlights from the Novartis research include: An interim analysis of patient engagement and adherence assessment in Germany indicates patients with asthma using once-daily Enerzair Breezhaler and digital companion (sensor and app) had a 72 percent engagement rate at baseline and maintained an 82 percent medication adherence rate over three months of treatment. This demonstrates that the connected device improves medication adherence and that it increases patient engagement – both critical for pharma.


Evidence indicates that connected drug delivery can improve patient adherence and engagement. Pharma must prepare for connected drug delivery by implementing the proper data governance policies to ensure that the infrastructure in place to deliver service to patients at scale, educate physicians and payers on the value of prescribing digital products, securely and ethically collect data and protect patient rights globally. The market demands that pharma deliver connected ‘solutions’ including R&D, regulatory interactions, and in-market implementation/support mechanics. Moreover, pharma needs levers to assess and measure the benefits of connected drug delivery to justify investment and capability-building. However, current business models don’t encourage taking on the risk required. This poster session will help attendees identify and understand the data to help them demonstrate ROI more clearly.

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